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The Website Editing Checklist: Everything You Need to Consider

Hitting "publish" on a new webpage or major update is exciting, but there's a nagging fear... Did you miss something? Little mistakes can seriously impact website visitors. Before launching the next update, take a moment and follow a website editing checklist. When roughly 88% of online consumers won't return to a site after a frustrating experience, it’s important to be careful.

SAFe vs LeSS Framework: Which is the best fit for your Organization?

Agile welcomes changes in requirements, even late in the development process. The focus is on delivering a product that provides the most value, and changes are opportunities for improvement. Organizations in continuous transformations and transitions favor agile. Every organization targets a Mature Agile state and a high-performing Agile team and adopts an Agile framework for better alignment with business needs.

What is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)?

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a computing technology through which users can extract and query data to analyze it from different points of view. These typically high-speed and complex queries are performed on massive data volumes stored in a data lake, data warehouse, or other large-scale repositories. Typical OLAP applications include business intelligence (BI) and forecasting and reporting.

Mobile DevOps Release Management | Permission settings for Admins, Developers and Testers

Welcome to our Release Management for iOS playlist! Release Management is available to all team members of an app's team, but not everyone can access all functions. Use the Release Manager role to keep your release process secure and reliable.

How to Fix the ClassNotFound Exception in Java

When you run a Java program, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) needs to load various classes to execute the program. The java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs when the JVM tries to load a particular class but doesn’t find it in the classpath. One of the most common reasons for the ClassNotFoundException is missing third-party libraries. Double-checking that all necessary dependencies are included in the classpath and that the classpath is correctly configured can prevent this exception.

How to Resolve Java.lang Exceptions

Java.lang exceptions are some of the most commonly encountered exceptions in Java programming. As one of the foundational packages in the Java Standard Library, you don't even explicitly import java.lang in your code; it’s automatically imported into every Java program. Thanks to java.lang you get essential classes such as String, Math, and System, among others. You also get a variety of base classes for handling exceptions and errors.