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Why Should Your Business Move to the Cloud?

Cloud computing is a well-established IT option for businesses of all sizes in the modern era, but there are still plenty of organizations that have remained reticent about adoption. If you are in this camp, here is a look at a few of the reasons that migrating an on-premise data warehouse to the cloud may make a lot of sense, in addition to the other contexts in which the cloud could be a better fit for your business.

Anodot Tutorial: Monitoring AWS Usage with Machine Learning

A 3-minute guide to help you start monitoring your AWS usage on Anodot's machine learning platform. Once it's up and running, Anodot will continuously monitor your AWS usage and deliver real-time alerts when there's an anomalous spike or drop. This powerful capability enables you to act quickly, far before costs get out of hand.

Building an effective data approach in a hybrid cloud world

“In today’s world of disruption and transformation, there are a few key things that all organizations are trying to figure out: how to remain relevant to their customer base, how to deal with the pressure of disruption in their industry and, undoubtedly, how to look to technology to help deliver a better service.” Paul Mackay Today we are sitting down with Marc Beierschoder, Analytics & Cognitive Offering Lead at Deloitte Germany and Paul Mackay, the EMEA Cloud Lead at Cloudera to dis

Eliminate the pitfalls on your path to public cloud

As organizations look to get smarter and more agile in how they gain value and insight from their data, they are now able to take advantage of a fundamental shift in architecture. In the last decade, as an industry, we have gone from monolithic machines with direct-attached storage to VMs to cloud. The main attraction of cloud is due to its separation of compute and storage – a major architectural shift in the infrastructure layer that changes the way data can be stored and processed.

An Overview of Appian's Intelligent Document Processing Capabilities

Most companies deal with thousands of documents and forms manually. In this video, find out how Appian's Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) capabilities enable you to process large volumes of documents fast. Only Appian's IDP brings together the best of people, process, and AI.

A Message To You Kafka - The Advantages of Real-time Data Streaming

In these uncertain times of the COVID-19 crisis, one thing is certain – data is key to decision making, now more than ever. And, the need for speed in getting access to data as it changes has only accelerated. It’s no wonder, then, that organisations are looking to technologies that help solve the problem of streaming data continuously, so they can run their businesses in real-time.

Removing Kafka bottlenecks with DataOps

Our CTO, Andrew Stevenson was interviewed by Alan Shimel for TechStrong TV. The discussion was all about hot data topics such as DataOps, DevOps and practices to successfully enable Kafka. Andrew narrates his journey from civil engineering to starting with Antonios, our CEO, to help organizations succeed with real-time data.

Managing ML Projects - Allegro Trains vs GitHub

The resurrection of AI due to the drastic increase in computing power has allowed its loyal enthusiasts, casual spectators, and experts alike to experiment with ideas that were pure fantasies a mere two decades ago. The biggest benefactor of this explosion in computing power and ungodly amounts of datasets (thank you, internet!) is none other than deep learning, the sub-field of machine learning(ML) tasked with extracting underlining features, patterns, and identifying cat images.

Introduction to Machine Learning Models

Over the last 100 years alone, artificial intelligence has achieved what was once believed to be science fiction: cars that drive themselves, machine learning models that diagnose heart disease better than doctors can, and predictive customer analytics that lead to companies knowing their customers better than their parents do. This machine learning revolution was sparked by a simple question: can a computer learn without explicitly being told how?