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Why 2019 Will Change Everything for Developers

In a hundred years’ time, when the world’s tech writers look back on our primitive technology and chart the rise of the smartphone, they’ll pinpoint three years as being crucial to the technology. The first will be 1994, which saw the release of the IBM Simon, a prototype for the smartphones we recognize today. The second will 2007, when the first iPhone went on sale. The third will be 2019.

Serverless: Komal Mangtani, Greg Osuri, Guillermo Rauch, Gwen Shapira

Serverless and event-driven computing are gaining traction, providing cost savings in the cloud and more efficient resource utilization on premise. Watch this talk recording to hear Kong CTO Marco Palladino moderate a panel discussion with industry leaders about the rise of serverless, its interactions with other cloud-native technologies, the challenges of implementing it, and where the field is headed in the future.

New Bugfender React Native Plug-in [New Feature]

Some products you build because you want to. Others you build because you have to. In the case of Bugfender’s brand-new plug-in for React Native, it was definitely the latter. Like the rest of the development world, we’ve come to rely on this cross-platform framework to build killer apps across Android, iOS and web. But that’s not why we’ve built our plug-in. No, it’s because our users were building their own versions!

Announcing Kong Cloud

Today at KubeCon, we announced the launch of Kong Cloud – a fully managed version of Kong Enterprise designed to accelerate large organizations’ digital transformation initiatives. With Kong Cloud, customers can instantly start building cloud native services and connect all their services across different environments, vendors and platforms.

Talend Cloud: A hybrid-friendly, secure Cloud Integration Platform

As enterprises move towards massively scaled interconnected software systems, they are embracing the cloud like never before. Very few would dispute the notion that the cloud has become one of the biggest drivers of change in the enterprise IT landscape and that the cloud has provided IT a powerful way to deploy services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Accelerate the Move to Cloud Analytics with Talend, Snowflake and Cognizant

In the last few years, we’ve seen the concept of the “Cloud Data Lake” has gained more traction in the enterprise. When done right, a data lake can provide the agility for Digital Transformation around customer experience by enabling access to historical and real-time data for analytics.