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Businesses must integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) now or fall further behind

Artificial intelligence became one of the hottest tech topics in 2017 and is still attracting attention and investments. Although scientists have been working on the technology and heralding its numerous anticipated benefits for more than four decades, it’s only in the past few years that society’s artificial intelligence dreams have come to fruition.

Qlik's next move in AI -The CrunchBot/Crunch Data Acquisition

Qlik is at the forefront of bringing augmented intelligence even further into analytics, helping business users scale their ability to explore and surface key insights from all their data. As we expand the role and use of analytics through our customer organizations, we know that making it easier for users to interact with data is essential to both increased adoption and higher data value.

Why 2019 Will Change Everything for Developers

In a hundred years’ time, when the world’s tech writers look back on our primitive technology and chart the rise of the smartphone, they’ll pinpoint three years as being crucial to the technology. The first will be 1994, which saw the release of the IBM Simon, a prototype for the smartphones we recognize today. The second will 2007, when the first iPhone went on sale. The third will be 2019.

Serverless: Komal Mangtani, Greg Osuri, Guillermo Rauch, Gwen Shapira

Serverless and event-driven computing are gaining traction, providing cost savings in the cloud and more efficient resource utilization on premise. Watch this talk recording to hear Kong CTO Marco Palladino moderate a panel discussion with industry leaders about the rise of serverless, its interactions with other cloud-native technologies, the challenges of implementing it, and where the field is headed in the future.