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Serverless Panel: Komal Mangtani, Greg Osuri, Guillermo Rauch, Gwen Shapira

Serverless and event-driven computing are gaining traction, providing cost savings in the cloud and more efficient resource utilization on premise. Kong CTO Marco Palladino moderates a panel discussion with industry leaders about the rise of serverless, its interactions with other cloud-native technologies, the challenges of implementing it, and where the field is headed in the future.

Fireside Chat: Neha Narkhede, CTO of Confluent, Apache Kafka & Marco Palladino CTO, Kong

Neha Narkhede, who co-created Apache Kafka, co-founded Confluent and is now its CTO, and Marco Palladino sit down for a far-ranging conversation about the history of Kafka. They also discuss trends driving the software industry, strategies for open core businesses, and the challenges of being a CTO. The conversation closes with both CTOs’ advice for engineers aspiring to found companies or become Chief Technology Officers.

Top 10 Tips for Mobile App Testing

In 2017, a study found that 88% of people will abandon an app due to bugs and glitches. This startling stat demonstrates, with crystal clarity, the need for developers to make their product as clean as possible – with rigorous testing procedures to eliminate any errors. But what are the key steps that go into the testing regime? How can you, as the developer, give yourself the best possible chance of delivering an error-free app?

Why Your Next Data Warehouse Should Be in the Cloud

The Cloud model lowers the barriers to entry-especially cost, complexity, and time-to-value-that have traditionally limited the adoption and successful use of data warehousing technology. Download this report to learn the advantages of data warehouses in the Cloud and where a Cloud data warehouse fits within the enterprise analytics strategy.

Top 5 Automated Testing Tools for iOS: November 2018

A few weeks ago we brought you a rundown of our five favourite automation testing tools for Android, and the response was overwhelming. So we’ve written a follow-up article, this time for iOS developers. The testing challenges vary slightly for Android and iOS testing. For one thing there are far more Android models out there than iOS, which means lots more potential bugs. Also, the two variants have their own default languages, which further complicates things.

From BI to AI: Amplifying Intuition with Machine Intelligence

The next generation of BI will heavily integrate machine intelligence and AI – and how these technologies are embedded and used will matter. The best solutions will support human-centered analysis, which takes advantage of new technology while not losing sight of value of the human perspective in decision making and analysis.

Updates from Bugfender Q3/2018

We hope you’ve had a fantastic summer and are now enjoying the fall. After our release of Bugfender 2 earlier in the year, we’ve been fine tuning and adding many UI improvements. We’ve also been working on an improved filter view, enhancing issues and adding React Native support – all coming very soon, so watch this space.