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Performance Testing in Keptn using k6

This tutorial will demonstrate Keptn, a CNCF Incubator Project’s integration with k6. Keptn is a cloud-native application delivery and operations platform. We will use the Job Executor Service to execute k6 performance testing in a Keptn project. We'll start with running a k6 script and how the logs look. And then we'll modify the k6 script to see the behavior when it fails.

Is there a better alternative to Selenium?

For almost two decades, Selenium has been the go-to framework for automated software testing. We have successfully developed that Selenium is a collection of technologies for automating browsers on many platforms. Selenium tools are used to automate web app testing, despite the fact that they are capable of much more. The logic for Selenium's test scripts may be written in a variety of languages, including Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Python.

Why is Decentralized Finance (DeFi) No Longer Defiable?

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a way of conducting finance-related activity using blockchain technology. It is a fast-emerging segment where many decentralized apps can be integrated and can allow anyone to conduct financial transactions by making use of public blockchain technology. It is increasingly being seen as a viable alternative to the conventional intermediary-focused approach of centralized systems.

Distributed tracing with Grafana k6 x Tempo (k6 Office Hours #70)

Just announced: distributed tracing with Grafana k6 x Tempo! Daniel González Lopes joins us to talk about what distributed tracing is, and how traces using the Tempo backend could help you troubleshoot your performance issues and improve overall reliability. This new integration was just announced at ObservabilityCon 2022, and Daniel's here to tell us all about it!

API Contract Testing For A Design-First World

Today, API-driven microservices applications are a source of speed to innovation and competitive advantage – according to SmartBear’s most recent State of Software Quality – API report: However, this modern way of architecting software doesn’t come without challenges. Neglecting to adapt a new approach to service architecture design with a new approach to the underpinnings – API design and testing – can undermine the efforts.

Reduce Flakiness in Mobile Native App Automation Using Katalon and Service Virtualization

The milieu of mobile applications is intensifying across all business sectors in the world we currently live in. It is because of these users; the world is seeing high usage of mobiles to the tune of billions of transactions. Organizations are prepared to take whatever measures are necessary and develop apps that are adored by their potential users to tap into these mobile users and turn them into a loyal customer base.

Why & How to Invest in Software Quality

Most people have encountered frustrating software errors. While the Windows "blue screen of death" was a necessary evil in the 1990s, customers have much more choice in today's software-as-a-service market. A single error or broken workflow is often enough for a would-be customer to switch over to a competitor. Of course, many software businesses mitigate these risks through testing and quality assurance.