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SAP Testing - When, Why, and What Tools To Use

Starting a company that works in any field is an exciting journey. We start with probably ten people and almost no user base in the initial days. But if our services are user-centric and our product solves a good problem, we will grow in both these dimensions. When our user base grows, and we expand our services, we generally ask our engineers to make our systems even better for them.

Is AI/ML Transforming the Banking Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quite powerful and is constantly evolving and currently knows no bounds. It is focused on outperforming its limits using the power of Machine Learning (ML). AI is empowering computers to do things that human beings are unable to do efficiently and effectively and machine learning is aiding the computers to do so by breaking the rules of traditional programming.

Rethinking Test Automation to Address Business Challenges

To be a leader in any industry is to be a leader in technology. In the whirlwind of digital transformation, innovation happens every day with software and software quality at the forefront. To not be left behind, now more than ever, CEOs, team leaders, and decision-makers should rethink software quality - the single most important element that determines their success.

API Load Testing Tutorial

API load testing, which identifies how stable your APIs are under different workloads, is a crucial part of performance testing. In this guide you will learn what is API load testing, when to perform load testing, and more. One growing pain of increasing iterative development and shortening release cycles is a growing inability to detect and fix inefficient code – whether in the CI/CD pipeline or in production.

Integration testing made easy with Oleg Šelajev | Kongcast Episode 21

In this episode of Kongcast, @Viktor Gamov , a principal developer advocate at @Kong joined by @Oleg Šelajev , Head of DevRel at @AtomicJar to talk about testing complex infrastructures (data systems, microservices, messaging systems) using containers, and specifically open source library called Testcontainers.

React Testing: Best Frameworks, Libraries and Tools

The most important part of using TDD with React is picking the correct testing toolset and framework, regardless of whether you're doing unit testing, integration testing, or end-to-end testing. Selecting the appropriate toolset is crucial for using TDD in React, from testing individual components to testing the whole application. This includes a wide range of JavaScript testing frameworks and handy assertion libraries.