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Why manual testing for ServiceNow doesn't work - and what to do about it

Here's the simple truth: ServiceNow's digital workflows are only as effective as your release process allows them to be. This is why organizations have honed in on testing as a source of strategic advantage to help them release faster, improve the customer experience, and boost productivity.

5 reasons changing performance platforms shouldn't be scary

Maybe you've thought about changing your performance testing platform, but have a lot of fears: Will you waste money? Lose valuable time? Open your company up to risk? Change doesn't have to be scary. Read this eBook to learn five reasons why changing performance testing platforms shouldn't be frightening, and a few strategies to ensuring your migration is a success.

FinServ APIs: How to Improve Governance & Deploy with Confidence

Financial services innovation continues to progress at a breakneck pace. For example, fintech developers can programmatically spin up accounts, move money, and issue and manage cards with Increase or embed financial services into their marketplace with Stripe – capabilities that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

Software Testing Tools - Quality Apps, Quality Digital Experiences

Modern digital users have the patience level of a typical 5-year-old. Apps that incorporate software testing tools have one core objective to meet: not to make the first encounter with a glitchy UI and unusable functionalities. Software quality in software engineering is a general expectation business stakeholders have. Unfortunately, testing is also “sacrifice” for time to market, postponing the release date and rejecting builds last minute in the development process.

Accelerate Your DevOps Journey by Leveraging Service Virtualization

Customers are demanding new software products that are easily customizable and more functional and capable than the previous edition, which has presented DevOps with new hurdles. Customers desire these things in the present and at a low cost. In contrast to what they demand, software development has historically been beset by large expenditures and protracted development durations. Fortunately, service virtualization is making it simple and constraint-free for DevOps to satisfy customer demand.

What is testability in the software development lifecycle?

Software testability measures how simple it is to test both the system as a whole and each individual component. Testability might mean different things for different members of the software development lifecycle. Remember how deeply frustrating it was to rewrite dozens of UI tests when a front-end developer made a small change that broke all the locators? Or the several restless nights spent fixing minor performance issues that aren't reproducible on the local machine?

iOS App Testing Tutorial: Manual & Automation

In the 2018 WWDC talk, Tim Cook said, “We’re also happy to announce that this week we’re going to achieve another huge milestone. The money that developers have earned through the App Store will top $100 billion.” He further announced, “There are now 20 million registered developers on the App Store.” Although, this number might be way out of the ballpark considering that 2016 statistics showed just 2.8 million iOS application developers.

3 Intriguing Data Annotation Use Cases that Zastra is Ready to Solve

Data annotation is one of the principal factors in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). As technology is advancing at a fast pace, almost all industries will need to make use of data annotations to keep up with the trends. The use cases for data annotation and encompassing computer vision are enormous.

How to migrate tests from Excel to Xray | Xray Tutorial

Are you a part of the 40% still trying to manage their tests with Excel? There’s a better way. A native test management solution like Xray keeps your tests organized, so you can easily release quality software. If you’re ready to make the jump to Xray, you can import hundreds of tests from CSV files to Xray.