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.NET Developer Finds Latent Bugs with Prefix

Rostyslav Kosmirak is a .NET developer from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine using Rider and Visual Studio IDE. Kosmirak was not looking for a Dynamic Code Profiler when he came across Prefix. Kosmirak explains that initially he was searching through Google for a log management system when he stumbled on Prefix. Upon downloading, Kosmirak discovered hidden performance problems in his code before they manifested to actual performance problems.

Programmatically Adding Laravel Middleware

When it comes to web development, middleware is often the key to ensuring everything connects up - even if some of the pieces don’t always match up. HTTP Middleware is a mechanism used to conveniently filter HTTP requests coming into your web application. When it comes to PHP, frameworks often help us get our applications to handle workloads vanilla PHP might have a harder time managing. Frameworks help to manage the underlying structure of an application while supporting existing PHP standards.

Apache Kafka Example: How Rollbar Removed Technical Debt - Part 1

March 10th, 2020 • By Jon de Andrés Frías In this two-part series of blog posts, we’ll explain how Kafka has helped us in removing parts of our architecture that we consider to be “legacy”. During the development of a project sometimes we need to take decisions on our architecture or software design that may not be the best decisions from a pure and perfectionist technical perspective.

Building Compile-time Tools With Elixir's Compiler Tracing Features

Elixir 1.10 was recently released, and with that release came a little-known, but very interesting feature—compiler tracing. This feature means that as the Elixir compiler is compiling your code, it can emit messages whenever certain kinds of things are compiled. This ability to know what’s going on when Elixir is compiling our code might seem simple, but it actually opens up a lot of doors for opportunities to build customized compile-time tooling for Elixir applications.

The 15 Best Podcasts for Engineers

If you've been on the hunt for a new developer podcast, then you understand just how difficult and fruitless that pursuit can be. You can spend hours online sifting through coding podcasts, programming podcasts, and DevOps podcasts only to realize one simple thing: none of them focus on your preferred programming language! With thousands of different developer podcasts out there, the problem is magnified exponentially. Fortunately, we at Scout APM have nothing but expertise and time on our hands.

How to Fix Crashing Apps on an iPhone or Android?

If you’ve got an app that keeps going down for no apparent reason, don’t worry, this quick and easy guide will give you the tools to get it up and running smoothly. To help you better, first select what type of user you are and what problem you have: If you’re not from the tech world yourselves, you probably think us programmers get everything right all the time.

My Empire State of Mind: 3 Takeaways from the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference

Last week the Rookout team, myself among them, participated in and sponsored the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in New York. New York is a city I personally love - the energy, the food, and the views are always top notch- there’s really just no comparison to the city that never sleeps. On top of that, I had the opportunity to mingle with some of the brightest minds in software architecture from many of the most successful companies in the world.