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Announcing our new $11M Series B funding

Nearly eight years ago, Cory and I started on a journey to help developers build software quickly and painlessly. As software developers ourselves, we had felt the pain of being afraid to ship and spending late nights tracking down bugs. In 2013, we launched Rollbar into the world so that developers could build software faster, shipping often without fear. These days, lots of people talk about continuous delivery, and nearly all of them focus on automating releases.

How to Check Website Logs

Have you ever looked at your website logs and realized they don’t make sense to you? Maybe your log levels have been abused, and now every log categorizes as “Error.” Or your logs fail to give clear information on what went wrong, or they reveal sensitive information that hackers may harvest. Fixing these problems is possible! Let’s explore how you can write meaningful log messages and use log levels correctly.

C# Exception Handling Best Practices

Welcome to Stackify’s guide to C# exception handling. Why is this topic so important? In modern languages like C#, “problems” are typically modeled using exceptions. Jeff Atwood (of StackOverflow fame) once called exceptions “the bread and butter of modern programming languages.” That should give you an idea of how important this construct is.

Five Challenges for Running Reliable PHP Background Processes

PHP isn't typically thought of as a solution when creating worker or background processes, jobs that typically can last for an extended period. These can be tasks such as image processing, file repair, and mass email batch jobs. Typically, PHP is linked with HTTP requests, requests which are short in duration and stateless in nature. However, just because of this enduring association, it doesn't mean that PHP can't be used for background processes. On the contrary.

Building a Rails App With Multiple Subdomains

In today’s post, we’ll learn how to build a Rails app that can support multiple subdomains. Let’s assume that we have a gaming website and we want to support multiple subdomains such as,, and with a single Rails application. We want to ensure that proper authentication is performed for all subdomains and that there are no duplicate routes.

Why Pry is one of the most important tools a junior Rubyist can learn

As programmers we often have to mentally run code. To imagine how a program will behave given certain inputs. This is hard enough for experienced developers. But for juniors? It can seem impossible. In this article, Melissa Williams argues that pry is an invaluable tool for junior rubyists because it allows them to see exactly what is going on as their code is run. Announce New Dashboard Design

We're happy to announce that we've just launched our newly designed dashboard for our logs & metrics platform, allowing DevOps & security professionals to see their vital metrics quicker than ever before. Our team has been keen to respond to the needs of our users through undertaking dedicated research which informed the creation of this latest update to the platform's design. This new design provides improved real-time feedback to users managing & creating new ELK stacks.

Elixir Package 1.12: Phoenix 1.5 Support & Better Channel Error Handling

Great news for all the Elixir alchemists, we’ve just released AppSignal for Elixir package version 1.12.0 which adds support for the upcoming 1.5 version of the Phoenix framework, and improves in-channel error handling. If you’re not an AppSignal user yet, make sure to check out the product tour and see how errors, performance, host metrics and triggers all come together in one tool. Phoenix 1.5 isn’t here yet, but AppSignal 1.12 is ready for it.

A Complete Guide to Rails Caching

Application performance is always a concern when building in the modern, competitive web and mobile space. At Scout, it’s why we created application performance monitoring tools in the first place. That said, there are steps you can take to build a more performant application. If you are using Ruby on Rails, caching might be one of the best tools on your belt to build a better application.