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An Engineer's Dilemma

Working with Rookout customers, I have noticed a significant pattern in how they describe engineering routines in the days before our software became a part of their daily workflow. It shows up in various engineering tasks such as developing new features, reproducing and fixing bugs, or even just documenting the existing system and how to best utilize it. It is also consistent across industries and tech stack.

Which is better to Create Web Apps: Laravel or CakePHP?

Laravel development services have been growing in popularity, with the Laravel framework often being compared to CakePHP. This article will show how to choose the best framework to meet specific business or solution requirements in the most effective way. Laravel and CakePHP are both very popular PHP frameworks. PHP is often used for creating dynamic websites or building high-end apps. PHP frameworks make it possible to create affordable websites with impressive UI/UX.

How to Start Using Counter Caches in Rails

It is widespread to have parent-child associations in Rails applications. On the parent side is a :has_many association, and on the child side is a :belongs_to association. Examples include an article with comments, or an author with books--the former is the parent, and the latter is the child. It is often useful to display a count of the children alongside information about the parent, without necessarily loading all the child records.

Announcing NSolid Version 3.11.1

We are excited to announce NSolid 3.11.1, which introduces Role Based Access Control along with support for Node.js Erbium v12.16.2 and Dubnium v10.20.1. If you are an Enterprise or Advanced Tier User, you can now use NodeSource’s central control nexus, to give and revoke Role Based Access Control permissions for the NSolid Console and

Dissecting Rails Migrations

In today’s post, we’ll take a deep dive into Rails migrations. We’ll break down the migration into different pieces, and in the process, learn how to write an effective migration. We’ll learn how to write migrations for multiple databases, as well as how to handle failed migrations and techniques of performing rollbacks. To understand the whole post, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of databases and Rails.

Ride Down Into JavaScript Dependency Hell

Every JavaScript project starts ambitiously, trying not to use too many NPM packages along the way. Even with a lot of effort on our side, packages eventually start piling up. package.json gets more lines over time, and package-lock.json makes pull requests look scary with the number of additions or deletions when dependencies are added. “This is fine” — the team lead says, as other team members nod in agreement. What else are you supposed to do?

Happy Developers: Navigators of the data age

In the age of discovery, navigators changed the world. Their unique skills won them fame, riches, and glory, as well as the ears and support of kings and emperors. The rulers of old who knew the importance of investing in these skilled frontier men rewarded their nations with the longest and wealthiest golden ages they’d ever seen. Nowadays, in the age of data, developers are the new navigators.