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3 cool tech tapas we found at Cisco Live Europe

I love traveling to Barcelona for conferences. Between Gaudi’s architecture and tech architectures, there’s really not much more I can ask for. Walking into Cisco Live!, the first thing I encountered was the huge indoor fountain called the “Rain Wall”, which was built to raise awareness and celebrate Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Introducing Git Blame Support for GitHub Integration

At Rollbar, we care about reducing the time it takes developers to find and fix errors. This is why we’re making our integration with GitHub even stronger to provide more context around errors and reduce the mean time it takes to resolve them MTTR. Last year, we launched Code Context to show additional lines of code within each frame of the stack trace, reducing the back and forth between GitHub and Rollbar.

6 Software Development Trends for 2020: Developers Needed

Well, my developer friends, 2020 is your year. Businesses in practically every industry have a fever to grow their IT operations and automate just anything possible. I know, I know. The demand for developers is nothing new. But 2020 is different. 2020 is the year where we see some of this decade’s most exciting technologies become commercially viable, and others finally go mainstream.

Best Practices for Moving from a Monolith to Microservices

In the first post of this series, we looked at the state of your organization, how to tell if Microservices are right for you, and wrapped up with a few challenges this architecture brings to the table. In this article, we will look at organizational changes that will help you adopt a Microservice architecture. Additionally, we will touch on topics like how to bring change to your organization, how to embrace the primacy effect, and why you should embrace cross-functional teams.

Breadcrumbs for JavaScript

Breadcrumbs can help you debug client-side JavaScript applications, and are available to all Honeybadger customers as of today. One of the things that makes fixing JavaScript errors so difficult is that everything happens on the client-side. When an obscure error happens in a callback, you often lack the context to reproduce it. If the error is critical, you may even resort to deploying debug code to get more information about the events leading up to it.