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How to Get Your Elixir Application Ready for CI/CD

In today’s post, we’ll go over what continuous integration and continuous delivery are, the benefits that come along with employing CI/CD, and some best practices that you should follow. We’ll also explore a wide array of Elixir ecosystem tools that can help you create top-notch CI pipelines. In order to experiment with a handful of the tools that we will be discussing, we’ll use a Git hooks Elixir library to execute our CI/CD validation steps, but on our local machine.

How to Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2

A growing number of online retailers are now migrating to Magento 2 from the earlier version, Magento 1. This trend of migration is driven both by functional advantages and strategic planning as Magento will stop supporting its 1.x versions after 2020. That’s the reason why so many business owners are upgrading their online stores with the latest technology.

A Rubyist's Introduction to Character Encoding, Unicode and UTF-8

Have you ever dealt with a unicode bug? Where plain text — the substance you work with all day — can no longer be trusted? It can be disorienting to say the least! This article will help prepare you so that the next time that happens you’ll be able to spend less time hyperventilating and more time troubleshooting.

State of App Development in 2019

In 2019 we spent a great deal of time visiting developers that use Bitrise, traveling around the globe with cross-functional teams, and continued talking to a lot of companies developing mobile apps. We also regularly analyzed a ton of behavioral data to understand how we could improve Bitrise to give the best experience for mobile developers. We've drawn our conclusions and thought it would be interesting to break them down into numbers and share the big picture with you.

Rails is Fast: Optimize Your View Performance

In this post, we’ll look into tried and true methods of improving Rails view performance. Specifically, I will focus on database efficiency, view manipulation, and caching. I think the phrase “premature optimization is the root of all evil” has been taken a little out of context. I’ve often heard developers use this during code reviews when simple optimization techniques are pointed out.

Why we've decided to make an ungated Rookout Sandbox

A long time ago (in April 2019), in a galaxy far far away (in Tel Aviv, Planet Earth) we launched a self-serve option. Users could now sign up to Rookout without having to contact us first. We invested significant resources in online promotion and -- just like any startup at our stage -- we hoped to soon see legions of users signing up and using the tool to fetch data directly from their code.

[Masterclass Recording] Building a realtime voting app in less than an hour

In this masterclass, Ably’s Developer Advocate, Srushtika Neelakantam, will talk about realtime protocols and the various cool things you can do with them. She’ll then build a voting app from scratch that is production-ready and fully scalable. The app will show a dynamically changing graph reflecting the choices made by users on the voting questions, in realtime. Just some basic JavaScript knowledge is required to follow along.

[Masterclass] Building an IoT based realtime attendance logger for Slack using WebHooks.

In this masterclass, Ably’s Developer Advocate, Srushtika Neelakantam, will walk you through the basics of IoT and the realtime communication protocol these devices like to use i.e. MQTT. She’ll then show you how to build a realtime attendance logger from scratch.