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Operational Efficiency with Talend Stitch? Best. Gift. Ever.

It’s the ultimate Catch-22. As businesses grow, executives need to keep a close watch on operations — but that growth itself can blur visibility. Multiple teams, data sources, and silos of information can create challenges in determining who is doing what, where inefficiencies exist, and what improvements should be made.

One Line Away from your Data

Data Science tools, algorithms, and practices are rapidly evolving to solve business problems on an unprecedented scale. This makes data science one of the most exciting fields to be in. As exciting as it is, practitioners face their fair share of challenges. There are well-known barriers that slow down predictive modeling or application development. Finding the right data and getting access to it are two of the top pain points we hear from our customers.

Tribalism May Just Be the Largest Reason For Misinformation - But Understanding It Is Essential To Dismantling It

I’ve been blogging for about a year about the power of misinformation and our obligations as data professionals to combat it. In a March 2021 blog post, titled “The Power of Misinformation,” I outlined some of our biological instincts that make us susceptible to misinformation and how tricksters exploit them.

Accelerate Agency Missions with Data in Motion

Data is the true currency of the digital age, and it plays an indispensable role in defining and accelerating the mission of Government agencies. Every level of government is awash in data (both structured and unstructured) that is perpetually in motion. It is constantly generated – and always growing in volume – by an ever-growing range of sources, from IoT sensors and other connected devices at the edge to web and social media to video and more.

4 Innovation-Boosting Features of Snowflake's New Healthcare & Life Sciences Data Cloud

A new study from McKinsey warns that profit pools in the healthcare industry are likely to be flat due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. To combat this stagnancy, the study identifies a number of opportunities for innovation in the industry.

DataOps for the Data-Driven

The road to the data-driven enterprise is not for the faint of heart. The continuous waves of data pounding into ever-complex hybrid environments only compound the ongoing challenges of management, governance, security, skills, and rising costs, to name a few. But Hitachi Vantara has developed a path forward that combines cloud-ready infrastructure, cloud consulting and managed services to optimize applications for resiliency and performance, and automated DataOps innovations.

Hitachi Vantara Launches Lumada Industrial DataOps for IIoT Scalability

Hitachi Vantara today announced the new Lumada Industrial DataOps portfolio with core IIoT platform framework capabilities. With this release, we are making it easier for organizations to take advantage of real-time insights and outcomes that can make critical operations more predictable and manageable. One of the highlights of this release is the introduction of IIoT Core software, which includes digital twins, ML (machine learning) service, and user interface components.

4 pitfalls in your data strategy (and how to avoid them)

If you’re a data leader at an early-stage or high-growth company, you’re in a unique position to promote data appreciation. Don’t waste your golden window of opportunity. Take this moment to institute best practices, promote good habits, and build the foundation for a data-driven culture. There’s no universal data strategy that would work for all organizations — wouldn’t that be great? — but there are pitfalls that all organizations should watch out for.