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Data Classification Now Available in Public Preview

Organizations trust Snowflake with their sensitive data, such as their customers’ personal information. Ensuring that this information is governed properly is critical. First, organizations must know what data they have, where it is, and who has access to it. Data classification helps organizations solve this challenge.

Unlocking New Revenue Models in the Data Cloud

Today’s applications run on data. Customers value applications not only for the functionality they provide, but also for the data itself. It may sound obvious, but without data, apps would provide little to no value for customers. And the data contained in these applications can often provide value beyond what the app itself delivers. This begs the question: Could your customers be getting more value out of your application data?

Streaming data into BigQuery using Storage Write API

BigQuery is a serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective data warehouse that customers love. Similarly, Dataflow is a serverless, horizontally and vertically scaling platform for large scale data processing. Many users use both these products in conjunction to get timely analytics from the immense volume of data a modern enterprise generates.

Upgrade Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) to Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud Base

CDP Private Cloud Base is an on-premises version of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). This new product combines the best of Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub and Hortonworks Data Platform Enterprise along with new features and enhancements across the stack. This unified distribution is a scalable and customizable platform where you can securely run many types of workloads. CDP is an easy, fast, and secure enterprise analytics and management platform with the following capabilities.

Connected Apps or Managed Apps: Which Model to Implement?

We recently wrote about the interest we’re seeing in connected applications that are built on Snowflake. Connected applications separate code and data such that the app provider creates and maintains the application code, while their customers manage their own data and provide their data platform for processing the application’s data. Some of our partners choose the connected application model because it has benefits for both customers and application providers.

Operationalizing Data Pipelines With Snowpark Stored Procedures, Now in Preview

Following the recent GA of Snowpark for our customers on AWS, we’re happy to announce that Snowpark Scala stored procedures are now available in preview to all customers on all clouds. Snowpark provides a language-integrated way to build and run data pipelines using powerful abstractions like DataFrames. With Snowpark, you write a client-side program to describe the pipeline you want to run, and all of the heavy lifting is pushed right into Snowflake’s elastic compute engine.

6 SAP companies driving business results with BigQuery

Digital technology promises transformative results. Yet, it’s not uncommon to encounter potholes and speed bumps along the way. One area that frequently trips up businesses is putting data into action. It can be extraordinarily difficult to take advantage of the right data at exactly the right time — in real time — to drive decision-making. For SAP customers wanting to maximize the value of their data, Google Cloud offers a number of capabilities.

6 steps towards healthier data

The value of healthy data is obvious. But how do you build that practice in your own business? The difference between people who live a healthy lifestyle and those who don’t isn’t whether they know how to be healthier — it’s whether or not they prioritize diet, sleep, and exercise in their daily life. The same is true for your data: if you don’t have the infrastructure that supports your customer 360 initiatives , those initiatives become moot.