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The ultimate guide to working with JSON

JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is a file format that was originally derived from JavaScript. It is used for storing and exchanging data, most commonly when serving data to websites, but JSON but has become ubiquitous amongst most programming languages as it is totally language independent. These days it is common to find JSON being used for a variety of purposes where data needs to be stored or transferred.

ETL Pipeline vs. Data Pipeline: What's the Difference?

ETL Pipeline and Data Pipeline are two concepts growing increasingly important as businesses keep adding applications to their tech stacks. More and more data is moving between systems, and this is where Data and ETL Pipelines play a crucial role. Take a comment on social media, for example. It might be picked up by your tool for social listening and registered in a sentiment analysis app.

Pushing Data to Zendesk From Your Warehouse

Data warehouses have made it easier for customers to store massive amounts of data. That information is useless, however, unless it is actionable. Making data actionable means employees can use the data for decision-making and improving the user experience. In this article, we’ll discuss reverse ETL, pushing data to Zendesk from your warehouse, and the value of this process.

5 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Trends that Accelerate Digital Transformation

As businesses advance their digital transformation efforts, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are evolving — arguably as significantly as the shift from materials resource planning (MRP) to ERP. Just as businesses reimagined operations by leveraging advances in hardware and software in the 1980s, they’re now turning to next-generation ERP.

In the Quest for Success, Never Stop Being Curious With Data

My whole life I’ve been curious. You have to be, to become an entrepreneur. I’m curious about trends, about looking at data and finding patterns, which might show you where the next opportunity lies. And, as I discussed with Joe DosSantos in the latest episode of Data Brilliant, I’m a big believer in experimentation and learning by putting the data and analysis into practice.