The CDP Operational Database (COD) builds on the foundation of existing operational database capabilities that were available with Apache HBase and/or Apache Phoenix in legacy CDH and HDP deployments.
Spark is known for being extremely difficult to debug. But this is not all Spark’s fault. Problems in running a Spark job can be the result of problems with the infrastructure Spark is running on, inappropriate configuration of Spark, Spark issues, the currently running Spark job, other Spark jobs running at the same time – or interactions among these layers.
Are you struggling to identify the best accounting software apps for managing your financial transactions? Do you need inspiration in determining what accounting tool is best for your freelancing business? This article covers the differences between bookkeeping and accounting software apps and discusses what to look for in top accounting software. Also, it shares the best accounting tools for freelancers and small/mid-sized businesses.
One of the real joys of entrepreneurship is to see your product take off. When I say “take off”, I mean that moment you get as many thousands of new customers sign-up every single day as it took the company the past two years to acquire. I cannot begin to describe the exhilaration and the stress as you see your cloud infrastructure numbers skyrocket.
Cloud-based technologies are on a rise today. Even if I deviate a bit from core IT fundamentals, the pandemic of 2021 made cloud tech a hero. It taught us how just an easy monthly subscription can give us access to thousands of movies, games, and live events such as the Tokyo Olympics via streaming. This is just a small example that we all can relate to and understand the cloud. In IT, however, the cloud means a lot more than just streaming media on the system.
Modern microservices-based architectures require companies to change not just the way they build applications but also how to deploy them. Basically, the new microservices foundation should be based on two main pillars: hybrid deployments and Kubernetes orchestrator. With the complete separation of the control plane (CP) and data plane (DP), Kong Gateway fully supports hybrid deployments.
In this podcast episode, we talked to Google Developer Expert Peter-John Welcome about his experience in Android DevOps, the roadmap to mobile success and the steps developers need to take to get there.