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Appian and Accenture bring speed, simplicity and confidence to auto and equipment finance

We’ve been speaking with many auto and equipment finance organizations over the last year, and they all say that their technology landscape is growing more complex by the day. The Auto and Equipment Finance Orchestration solution that Accenture has built with Appian seeks to address this.

The Hyperautomation Playbook - Csuite Buyin, Cultural Change, and end-to-end process automation

From hyperautomation to the remote-work revolution, the post-COVID world is changing at blazing speed and organizations everywhere are struggling to keep up. In the financial services industry, for example, the largest wealth and asset managers are struggling to keep a lid on rising operating costs amid fast-changing regulations and customer expectations.

What is the best way to profile a Java application in eclipse

Java profiling in Eclipse allows you to optimize your code, streamline your application, and better understand your program. When profiling your application using a line-level analysis, you can reveal the slowest line within a sluggish piece of code, helping you efficiently troubleshoot problems. There are a variety of platforms for profiling Java eclipse. Eclipse is a popular software and is especially valuable for beginners due to its clean interface and free and open-source background.

The 7 Best Reporting Tools for 2021

Reporting tools solve a key problem for businesses by enabling them to communicate data in a way that is accessible, easy-to-understand, and useful for both frontline staff and management teams. These tools take raw data and turn it into tables, charts, and graphs ready for consumption, turning complicated data into visuals that better enable users to spot patterns and trends.

Security and ELT - A Tragedy

Extract, Load, Transform, or ELT, is a process that extracts data from the source, loads it directly into a data warehouse or data lake, and then transforms it to make it available for business intelligence tools. It supports all data types, from raw to structured. ELT is a popular way to ingest large volumes of raw data quickly, but it brings many security concerns with it.

Automating CDP Private Cloud Installations with Ansible

The introduction of CDP Public Cloud has dramatically reduced the time in which you can be up and running with Cloudera’s latest technologies, be it with containerised Data Warehouse, Machine Learning, Operational Database or Data Engineering experiences or the multi-purpose VM-based Data Hub style of deployment.

cdpcurl: Low-Level CDP API Access

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) provides an API that enables you to access CDP functionality from a script, or to integrate CDP features with an application. In practice you can use the CDP API to script repetitive tasks, manage CDP resources, or even create custom applications. You can learn more about the API in its official documentation. There are multiple ways to access the API, including through a dedicated CLI, through a Java SDK, and through a low-level tool called cdpcurl.