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Introducing Apache Kafka & Event-Driven Architecture Support in ReadyAPI

In 2006, SoapUI was developed with a singular goal: create a simple, open-source SOAP API testing tool. Since then, developers have contributed code and provided valuable feedback to help SmartBear transform SoapUI into ReadyAPI, the most powerful API testing platform on the market.

8 Best Tools to Write Robots.txt File Successfully

Robots.txt file is one of several text files. Website owners develop this to instruct Google and other search engines about how they will crawl on their website pages. This file tells the search engine not where to and where to not go on a website. Google describes robots.txt as being primarily used to manage crawler traffic into a website and keep a website page away from Google, although this will depend on the type of file that it is.

Fivetran Launches Support for New Databricks + GCP Offering

Businesses can now use Fivetran with the Lakehouse Platform on Google Cloud. We are excited to launch Fivetran support for a newly available solution: Databricks on Google Cloud. We’ve partnered with both Databricks and Google Cloud for many years now, and understand the unique value they each deliver to Fivetran customers, so it was a priority for us to support their joint effort.

Kong Configurations Using Terraform via GitOps Model

As organizations adopt a microservices architecture, API gateway usage has increased. Kong Gateway is one of the promising API gateways in the market. It has both OSS and enterprise support, releases multiple features and is easy to use. Kong Admin API helps administrators configure the system easily, but it’s still error-prone. That’s because the user has to hit many curl calls for creating all the configs. When numerous folks are managing the system, this becomes difficult.

Take your mobile monitoring to the next level

While there’s room for debate in what constitutes sufficient monitoring for a mobile app, it’s no question that if you wait long enough for users to report issues, then soon you will have no users. For most mobile development teams, you are not measured against how many features you deliver or bugs you fix, but by how successful your app is and how much value it delivers to users. As a result, you need to know where the app is providing a subpar experience and why.

Kubernetes: Weighing Advantages and Disadvantages

Kubernetes is one of the current leading technologies. Its adoption has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. The concept of containers is a paradigm that appears to be the predominant medium of software development and deployment in the coming future. Containers help maintain consistency across various platforms, as they pack an application with its dependencies to help move it from one platform to another.