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Dependable realtime banking with Kafka and Ably

Interest in online banking is skyrocketing. In this context, more and more banking providers are building digital products (especially mobile offerings) and improving their core capabilities to meet user expectations of the instantaneous, always-on, realtime world. In this blog post, we will look at Kafka’s characteristics and explore why it’s such a popular choice for architecting event-driven realtime banking ecosystems.

Top 10 Online Code Editors for Web Development

A code editor gives developers an environment to write code using a specific programming language. While the code editor’s primary purpose is to assist with coding, most of the editors go beyond and help developers with pointing errors, autocomplete suggestions, running the program and other common areas of doubt. We can install a code editor on our laptop or PC, or we can use an online version. This can help us avoid the hassle of installation, saving us both time and memory.

Low-code vs. No-code: The Differences, Similarities, & How to Choose

The demand for new software has exploded. According to IDC, over 500 million digital applications and services will be developed and deployed by 2023—the same number of apps that have been developed over the last 40 years. Unfortunately, the number of new developers who can help build those applications has not exploded.

R.I.P Custom and Legacy Apps - Modernize with velocity

The new normal in the next decade will be very different than the bygone era. COVID has impacted the world in a way seen only as recently as a century ago. It was different then and it is different now. Businesses are finding new ways to reach customers, supply chains are inventing new ways to operate, industries are innovating all-around to remain relevant in the new normal. Customer behavior is also changing and digital has found a new acceptance with evolving technology.

10 Tips to Help You Write a Flat File Database

Originally developed by IBM, flat file databases have been around since the 1970s. Because these files store data in plain text format, most people use MS Excel to create them. It’s an easy-to-use system that allows for the quick sorting of results. This is because each line of plain text has just one record. Tabs, commas, or other delimiters separate multiple records. In this article, you’ll learn some tips for optimizing your flat file.

Announcing Iguazio Version 3.0: Breaking the Silos for Faster Deployment

We’re delighted to announce the release of the Iguazio Data Science Platform version 3.0. Data Engineers and Data Scientists can now deploy their data pipelines and models to production faster than ever with features that break down silos between Data Scientists, Data Engineers and ML Engineers and give you more deployment options . The development experience has been improved, offering better visibility of the artifacts and greater freedom of choice to develop with your IDE of choice.

Converting HBase ACLs to Ranger policies

CDP is using Apache Ranger for data security management. If you wish to utilize Ranger to have a centralized security administration, HBase ACLs need to be migrated to policies. This can be done via the Ranger webUI, accessible from Cloudera Manager. But first, let’s take a quick overview of HBase method for access control.

Using Identity Management To Make Zero-Trust Security a Reality

Large-scale, sophisticated attacks like the SolarWinds cyber intrusion and the Microsoft Exchange Server hack are disturbing, to say the least. These are more than just bad headlines; they reflect fundamental, systemic problems with the security postures in most enterprises. One underreported issue is the continued adherence of organizations to principles that maintain strong perimeter controls to prevent things outside from coming in.

How to compete with analytics-first software vendors

These are a new class of vendors like Gainsight and C3 who are building applications based on the idea data will drive a transaction, rather than transactions driving the data. The challenge for every enterprise software vendor is how to respond to this threat because it's going to be difficult. For big vendors, you're going to have vested interests internally who don't see this challenge coming or don't know how to respond to it. Some may even underestimate the threat of the change.

Top 7 Tools for Adding Web Forms to Static Websites

The power of the Internet and the World Wide Web is known to everyone. Within a few years after its inception, businesses started to take advantage of all the facilities in features. And within no time, e-commerce became prominent as a new way to do business. Nowadays, it is the dominant way any company or business can reach its customers across the globe with a website.