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Apigee API Generator: Easily Create APIs For Your Apigee Suite

Apigee is great at managing your existing APIs – but how can you bring new technologies into your Apigee suite that lack an appropriate API? As it happens, DreamFactory is perfectly suited to creating a REST API fast for whatever datasource you need, and it can now be plugged straight into Apigee.

Apigee API Generator: Easily Create APIs For Your Apigee Suite

Apigee is great at managing your existing APIs – but how can you bring new technologies into your Apigee suite that lack an appropriate API? As it happens, DreamFactory is perfectly suited to creating a REST API fast for whatever datasource you need, and it can now be plugged straight into Apigee.

3 reasons mobile business intelligence apps have minimal adoption in your business (and how to fix it)

It’s no secret that, despite the huge movement toward sustainable living, we just can’t live without some things being instant. One such crutch for students worldwide and most of Asia’s young adult population (also the entire American prison system) are the ubiquitous instant noodles. 100 billion servings are eaten every year. It’s convenience in a cup.

PSD2 is spurring innovation in fintech industry, and ISVs need to keep up

By the September deadline, Europe’s banks and fintech companies should be compliant with the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Rather than focusing inwards on business operations, PSD2 is an outward-looking directive. It encourages open access and competition in the banking industry. Organisations across the breadth of the industry are required to open their payments infrastructures and customer data to third parties.

Talend Data Trust Readiness Report: How Companies Cope with Modern Data Challenges

We’ve entered the era of the information economy, where data has become the most critical asset of every organization. To support business objectives such as revenue growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction, organizations are increasingly reliant on data to make decisions and drive their operations.

How we've built successful channel partnerships in Japan

Recently I was in the US and people were just blown away when I told them about the success of our business in Japan. Our Japanese business grew nearly 40% last year and this year is shaping up to be great as well, but it’s not something that has happened overnight. The reality is that it’s tough to do business in Japan and it’s taken us over four years to get it right.

Managing Data During Performance Testing

Introduction We are going to talk about data in this blog post, predominately test data required for performance testing. This is something that makes the life of a performance tester extremely difficult and awkward as because of the huge quantities required, in the right state, that match the criteria required for your test to run. We often have to approach the use of large quantities data for the purpose of performance testing in a number of ways.

Why Fortune 500 companies are re-building their API integrations

These days, companies are overflowing in data and tolerating ancient API-integrations. Across all industries. Buried in that data are trends that point to customer insights, inefficiencies and synergy opportunities that could provide a competitive edge to a company. Or, just help a company catch back up to its competitive peers. But how to best harness this data?