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Databases Demystified Lesson 6: Distributed Databases Part 1

Welcome to episode 6 of Michael Kaminsky's Databases Demystified. In this lesson, we introduce a fascinating and incredibly important topic: distributed databases. We discuss "nodes" and "clusters" and we cover the two major paradigms in distributed databases: big-compute databases and high-availability databases.

Databases Demystified: Lesson 7: Distributed Databases Part 2

Episode 7 of Michael Kaminsky's Databases Demystified. Learn about new issues we face in distributed databases and all about the CAP theorem. We'll talk about leader and follower nodes, what happens when distributed databases lose connection with a node, and what CAP stands for: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.

Databases Demystified Lesson 3: Row vs Column Store

In Michael Kaminsky's third episode, we learn about the differences in row store vs column store database. This is a very important concept for understanding the difference between analytical and transactional databases, and we talk about the tradeoffs between using row and column stores for saving the data. Michael gets into the weeds and talks about disk blocks and the different types of queries that work well for row and column stores.