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Unlocking Data Innovation: Morgan Stanley's Journey with Snowflake for Customer 360

Learn how Morgan Stanley is delivering the optimized and modern data experience for internal Morgan Stanley teams, as well as wealth customers. Key focuses include the approach that the technology team has taken to build a data platform with Snowflake and how that has translated to enabling data science and machine learning, data collaboration, and analytics workloads to drive core business outcomes. Topics include an overview of the Morgan Stanley Wealth Management data ecosystem and how Snowflake and key partners fit in, a deep dive into data science and machine learning and analytics workloads, and the key business use cases enabled by the technology.

Powering Better Decision and Policy Making Through Integrated Data

In this episode, Alex Izydorczyk, Founder at Cybersyn, shares his vision of how integrated data can help to power better decision and policy making, the need for better branding of alternative data, and how Cybersyn is focused on building out DaaS (data as a service) across all industries.

Snowflake Customer 360 For Organizations

In today’s highly competitive market, consumers are more likely to stick with brands and businesses that recognize their wants and needs. Achieving this level of personalization requires companies to have a 360-degree view of customers or Customer 360. Learn how the Snowflake Data Cloud helps companies activate data to improve customer experiences by powering Customer 360.

Streaming Pipelines With Snowflake Explained In 2 Minutes

Streaming data has been historically complex and costly to work with. That's no longer the case with Snowflake's streaming capabilities. Together, Snowpipe Streaming and Dynamic Tables (in public preview) break the barrier between batch and streaming systems. Now you can build low-latency data pipelines with serverless row-set ingestion and declarative pipelines with SQL. You can easily adapt to your business requirements to change latency as a single parameter.

UK Energy Company EDF Turns To Snowpark In Its Quest To Achieve Net Zero

EDF, the UK's leading home and business gas and electricity company, has a mission to help Britain achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. With the Snowflake Data Cloud, EDF has built a customer intelligence platform to help its customers save energy and money, ultimately helping Britain achieve that Net Zero benchmark. By using Snowpark, EDF can transform large processes with billions of rows of data and have its data science team run ML models directly where the data sits.