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IT vs Shadow IT - Between 2 bits ep. 01

Just how big of a deal is shadow IT, really? Will downloading that piece of data integration software that’s not been approved by IT provide a path to faster, better data analytics, or bring the whole company crashing down in a storm of security and regulatory noncompliance challenges? In this week’s episode, join our hosts for a discussion about all things shadow IT: why it happens, what can make it dangerous, why some think it’s necessary, and above all, is there a solution that can make everybody happy?

Leadership Tips: Keeping Data Teams Focused & Engaged | Data Legends Podcast

How do you keep your data team focused and build something that people will derive value from? In this episode, we cover team engagement, how to evaluate tech, and the influence of consumer analytics on innovation. Listen to our conversation with Raheem Daya, Sr. Software Development Manager, Envision Engineering at Amazon Web Services: How to set a clear vision and keep your data team engaged How to decide what tech to invest in and build How consumer tech is democratizing data

Data Legends Podcast Episode 2, Amr Awadallah

Historically, knowledge has been relatively siloed by language. But with advancements in AI, there are now more opportunities than ever to capture broader and deeper insights across the written and spoken word by breaking down language and distance barriers globally. Listen to our conversation with Amr Awadallah, Founder and CEO at ZIR AI and former technology exec at Cloudera, Google, and Yahoo.

Data Legends Podcast: Making Sense of Data Quality Amongst Current Seasonality & Uncertainty

When providing the data to support marketing, it's important to frame and validate its quality based on whether it meets "the six C’s." Is the data clean, complete, correct, comprehensive, chosen well, and calculable? In our conversation with Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, we discuss numerous questions many in the industry are asking today.

The roadmap to mobile success with Peter-John Welcome Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

In this episode, we focused on the challenges related to Android DevOps and how they can be solved by using the right tools and technologies. Throughout his years of consultancy experience, PJ has come up with a so-called “roadmap to mobile success”, with the necessary components for creating a successful CI pipeline: including branching release strategies, code reviews, app architecture, code coverage, and static code analysis. We discussed how these components fit into automation and the CI/CD process and what steps developers can take to reach success on mobile.

Optimizing iOS workflows with Marcos Griselli | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Marcos is an iOS developer and open-source contributor from Argentina. As an active member of the Swift community in Buenos Aires, he hosts and co-organizes the SwiftBA meetups. Last year, along with Josefina Bustamante and Facundo Menzella, he also organized Swiftable, the very first English-language iOS conference in South America.

Fintech, Flutter, and tech leadership with GDE Mariano Zorrilla | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Mariano is an Android Tech Lead and a passionate member of the Flutter community: besides recently becoming a Google Developer Expert, he also founded the San Francisco Cross-Platform SFXP meetups, where developers share knowledge and experiences in cross-platform development.

Mastering continuous deployment with Keegan Rush | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Keegan is an iOS and macOS Developer, and — along with Pietro Rea — a co-author of the recently published book, iOS App Distribution & Best Practices. The book is a how-to guide for everyone who wants to deploy apps, whether they are becoming Mobile DevOps practitioners or release managers in their team.

Remote work and Mobile DevOps with Joe Birch | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Joe Birch is a Senior Engineer at Buffer, a Google Developer Expert, builder of, and the creator of ChordAssist, the accessible smart guitar for the blind, deaf, and mute. His experience in working from home at Buffer — an entirely remote company — and his work in the developer community give him a unique perspective on today’s changing work climate and its challenges.