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Product Release

Helix QAC 2021.1 Continues to Provide In-Depth, High-Quality Compliance Coverage

With the latest release of Helix QAC, the static code analysis tool continues to provide you with in-depth, high-quality compliance coverage for C and C++ coding languages. However, what makes Helix QAC 2021.1 notable is that it now offers complete support for many key coding standards. Here is an overview of the most impactful enhancements made to Helix QAC.

Yellowfin 9.5 release highlights

With 9.5, we've focused on providing new capabilities and enhancements for everyone involved in the data to design workflow - analysts, developers, users - that streamline processes, introduce functional improvements and enrich the analytic experience for all. For the full list of updates, please read the release notes and check out our release highlights video below to see some of these new enhancements in action for yourself.

Updates from Bugfender Q1, 2021

Welcome to the spring Bugfender newsletter! We’ve been working on the past months improving some of our SDKs, making it easier to integrate Bugfender thanks to API improvements and introducing some new features to make your debugging experience even better. Furthermore, we’ve been actively writing fresh content for our blog. Make sure you don’t miss out on our featured articles for this quarter below!

OctoPerf v12.2 - Flexible license sharing, improved VU validation, XPath and JQuery

We’ve been working a lot behind the scenes for this release because we wanted to address the license sharing issue. Up until today it was only possible to ask us to share the license for you and sharing could only share every license you own. We had to completely refactor the way we handle licenses to allow you to decide on your own to share all or a fraction of your subscriptions. But that’s not all, we also worked on a VU validation with multiple iterations.

Announcing the Rollbar Terraform Provider For Managing Rollbar Automatically

It can be really exciting when your development team is growing fast! But then you soon realize that managing all the developer tools to constantly create new projects or add users is becoming a full-time job. Well, not anymore. At least, not for Rollbar. We’re releasing our HashiCorp Terraform Verified Provider for Rollbar today, built in partnership with HashiCorp.