Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

Product Release

DreamFactory 4.8.0 Released

Break out the party hats, DreamFactory 4.8.0 has been released! This release focuses on user experience, notably with regards to database API generation. The most popular database connectors (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, and Oracle) have long included a lengthy list of options, and it hasn’t been obvious which are required and which are optional. To remedy this we’ve broken the service creation form into three sections: Basic, Caching, and Optional Advanced Settings.

Welcome to Snowpark: New Data Programmability for the Data Cloud

At Snowflake Summit 2021, we announced that Snowpark and Java functions were starting to roll out to customers. Today we’re happy to announce that these features are available in preview to all customers on AWS today. These features represent a major new foray into data programmability, enabling you to more easily make Snowflake’s platform do more for you. Snowflake started its journey to the Data Cloud by completely rethinking the world of data warehousing to accommodate big data.

Testing Before Releasing with Ghost Inspector and Netlify

We've recently released a new plugin for Netlify that allows you to automatically run Ghost Inspector tests on every deploy, including deploy previews! By default, Netlify deploys your production branch on every change. To enable deploys for other branches, follow the Netlify instructions: With branch deploys enabled, you can now run Ghost Inspector tests on your website before deploying to production!

Kong Gateway 2.4 Now Generally Available!

Note to readers before we get started: you’ll see us referring to the “Kong Gateway” in this post. This is the product previously referred to as Kong Gateway Enterprise. In version 2.3, we released a free operating mode of Kong Gateway Enterprise, and given it no longer needs a paid “Enterprise” license, we now refer to this gateway as the Kong Gateway and disambiguate from the OSS-only Gateway as Kong Gateway (OSS).

Katalon Studio 8 is Here!

Hello Katalians! It feels like it was just a few weeks ago when we delivered the good news about the release of Katalon Studio 7 . We didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer for the latest and greatest. Today, we are excited to announce the release of Katalon Studio 8 (KS8) . This release comes packed with a broad set of new features as well as dozens of improvements and fixes to continue providing you with a one-of-a-kind testing experience.