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Low-Code Business Process Automation: A Blueprint for Success

In the age of rapid innovation, organizations are increasingly adopting low-code business process automation (BPA) to meet demand for speedy custom application delivery and seamless digital workflows. Perhaps that’s why global demand for low-code automation platforms (LCAPs) is expected to grow 25% to a $10 billion market value in 2023. So what does the ascendance of BPA tell us about the evolution of innovation?

Mobile Test Automation of Flutter Apps: Best Practices using Katalon Studio

Flutter, Google's open-source UI toolkit, has gained immense popularity for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. With its versatility, developers have embraced Flutter for creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces. However, when it comes to test automation, Flutter apps require a unique approach due to their underlying architecture.

Top AI Automation Testing Tools 2024

Ever since we have entered the third decade of the 21st century, artificial intelligence has proven to be the driving force behind innovation. However, the growing need for technology and constant development demands access to rapid testing and quality assurance. Besides, the software testing landscape is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, as we hurtle into a tech-driven era. It means AI-powered tools are being tested using the power of AI automation testing tools.

Reasons To Implement DevOps Automation Model Into Your Business

However, the entire change in the development practices has only been triggered considering the extensive need for improving or meeting the end user’s perspective. And the process involves the best of Agile, DevOps testing services, QAOPs, and DevSecOps practices. Talking specifically for DevOps, it not only streamlines development and operations, but helps foster collaboration through enhanced software delivery for added efficiency, quality, and access to automation.

Automated file archiving made simple

File and folder management is a large part of backend development. Whether you are creating files, importing files, or simply following organisation standards, every system needs to consider how files are stored and archived. This is especially important for ETL or data-loading solutions. Low-code tools are a good choice when you create a process to automate your file archiving.

E2E Test Automation Framework Selection | Comparing with Pros & Cons | Mesut Durukal | TestFlix 2023

In this enlightening talk, Mesut Durukal delves into the complex world of End-to-End (E2E) test automation frameworks. With a myriad of options available, the age-old question persists: which framework is the right fit for your needs? Developers and QA professionals grapple with this crucial decision, striving to ensure the functionality of their products.

Quickly create a REST API (Linx 6 Demo under 5 minutes)

This video is a Linx Demo. See what Linx is all about, how the interface looks like and how it works. Building custom APIs to host and distribute your data. We look at two ways where you can create a REST API with ease: Create your API by defining your endpoints with a wizard This video answers the questions: How to create a REST API How to quickly make an API How to create a data API How to distribute data via API.

How to Use Playwright for Test Automation | Complete Demo | Gunesh P. | #playwright #testautomation

In this informative video, Gunesh P. provides a hands-on demonstration of automation testing using Playwright and Java. Playwright, a versatile automation framework, offers powerful capabilities for testing web applications. By using Java in conjunction with Playwright, you'll discover how to automate tests effectively and efficiently.