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How to release Finance apps quickly and confidently with DevSecOps

Learn how to release better and more secure finance apps rapidly, by applying security measures and moving to shift-left testing in the DevOps cycles. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. Build better mobile applications, faster! Save time, money, and developer frustration with fast, flexible, and scalable mobile CI/CD that just works.

Parallelize build, tests and accelerate feedback loops with Build Pipelines Webinar

Do you ever just want to… speed up your builds? In an effort to continuously improve build speed on Bitrise, we’ve just introduced Built Pipelines in open beta so now you can build and test in parallel. Watch this webinar + Q&A to learn about the new feature, how to leverage it, and get the answers to the questions you may have. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to use Flutter with Google Sheets, Apps Script, and Codemagic

Mark has been tracking his company expenses using Google Sheets for the past six months. Lately, it has been difficult to keep up with tracking expenses using the current method. He wants to ease the process for himself and his staff, but it’s necessary for him to use Google Sheets. What should he do? Mark decides to build an interface that can communicate with Google Sheets.

How to deploy game updates with Unity Cloud Content Delivery and Codemagic

TL;DR: The Unity Cloud Content Delivery tool is a solution that helps deliver data to users in a synchronized way, which speeds up patching and enables live game updates. You can set up a project in Unity’s CCD cloud to deliver your game’s assets to customers’ devices. Additionally, you can integrate CCD with a CI/CD service to ensure consistent delivery of all parts of the updated app and to automate deployment, reducing the amount of manual work.

Xcode 14: Discussing improvements and new features with examples

WWDC 2022 wrapped up several weeks ago, and it was one of the best installments for developers so far, especially when it comes to Xcode changes and improved developer experience. In this article, we’ll focus on what’s new in Xcode 14. We will discuss plenty of new enhancements, improvements, and features for you to check out and give you some examples!

Easily trouble shoot long-running Steps with Build Insights

Build Insights is a monitoring tool that provides you a convenient means to check in on your build performance and track accompanying metrics. With a quick scan, you can see how all your apps and workflows are doing. If something doesn't look right, drill in for more details to understand where the problem is on app, Workflow, and Step level. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

Try Apple Silicon M1 on Bitrise for your iOS CI/CD | Bitrise Feature Updates

Apple silicon in the cloud, built for continuous integration and delivery. Fully virtualized, scalable from zero to dozens of concurrencies in seconds, and faster than ever. Open beta available to everyone on Bitrise, today. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. Build better mobile applications, faster! Save time, money, and developer frustration with fast, flexible, and scalable mobile CI/CD that just works.

All about test automation: best practices with Angie Jones | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Angie Jones worked as Head of Developer Relations at Applitools, a new generation test automation platform powered by visual AI. On top of that, she is the founder and Executive Director of Test Automation University. She’s previously worked as a Senior Software Developer at Twitter and regularly gives talks about Javascript, software development, and testing best practices.