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Connecting React.js and StimulusJS with JavaScript Events

We recently added a "Getting started" page to the AppSignal, which shows new users a page filled with recommended steps to help them get the most out of their AppSignal experience. Some users enjoy having a helping hand when getting started with AppSignal, others prefer exploring our product solo or already have experience with AppSignal. To give all of our users the option of a guided or solo experience, we needed to a toggle that hides or shows the Getting started page.

Server-side Rendering with Next.js, React, and TypeScript

In this post, we'll explain what server-side rendering (SSR) is and how it's different from the usual way websites work. We will run you through how to use SSR with Next.js, React, and TypeScript step-by-step. By the end, you'll know how SSR can make websites faster and better.

Stream Updates to Your Users with LiteCable for Ruby on Rails

So far in this series, we have been exploring the capabilities of SQLite for classic HTTP request/response type usage. In this post, we will push the boundary further by also using SQLite as a Pub/Sub adapter for ActionCable, i.e., WebSockets. This is no small feat: WebSocket adapters need to handle thousands of concurrent connections performantly.

How to Use Shoulda Matchers with RSpec for Ruby on Rails

When writing tests in Rails, you should avoid repetition and have the right amount of tests to satisfy your use case. This article will introduce you to shoulda-matchers with RSpec for testing functionality in Rails. At the end of the post, you should feel confident about using shoulda-matchers in your Rails application. Let's get going!

How to Deploy a Python Flask app with Heroku

In this tutorial, we will build a simple Flask app that is primed and ready to deploy to Heroku. Once the bare bones of the app are built, we will guide you through the setup process on GitHub and Heroku so that you can start making automatic deploys in no time. But before we dive straight into the code, why choose Flask and Heroku in the first place?

Advanced Multi-tenancy for Elixir Applications Using Ecto

Welcome to part two of this series. In the previous tutorial, we learned about multi-tenancy, including different multi-tenancy implementation strategies. We also started building a multi-tenant Phoenix link shortening app and added basic user authentication. In this final part of the series, we'll build the link resource, associate users to links, and set up the redirect functionality in our app.

Keep Your Ruby Code Maintainable with Money-Rails

When working with money in an application, ensuring everything is accounted for is important. In this post, we will explore some common methods and best practices of handling money in your Ruby app, and see how you can use money-rails to write maintainable money-handling code. Let's get started!

Shaping the Future of Ruby and Kafka Together with rdkafka-ruby

Hello there! My name is Maciej Mensfeld, and some of you might recognize me from my involvement in RubyGems Security, OSS commitments, or perhaps from Karafka: a multi-threaded, efficient Kafka processing framework tailored for Ruby and Rails. While I generally pen my thoughts on my personal blog, today's post is unique. This article results from a collaborative effort with the brilliant people over at AppSignal. To set the record straight, I don't work for AppSignal.

Setting Up a Multi-tenant Phoenix App for Elixir

Apps built with Elixir can support massive scalability, real-time interactivity, great fault tolerance, and the language's syntax is actually a joy to use. Elixir is a natural fit for applications such as chat apps, data dashboard apps, and anything needed to support a large userbase. In this article, we'll use Elixir — specifically, the web framework Phoenix — to build a multi-tenant link shortening app. Let's get started!

How to Optimize MongoDB Performance for Node.js

To update a document in MongoDB, I used to fetch it, update the values, and save back the entry. I would question the need for an update method. Looking back, it's evident that performance optimizations were hardly a concern when working on a personal project. Working with a larger dataset is a whole different story, though. This is where no-code tools can't help. In this article, I'll share some of my learnings when it comes to working in MongoDB with millions of documents.