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How to Optimize a Test and Make It 560% Faster

Deep in the implementation of every automated UI test lives the potential to turn something simple into something slow and unreliable—simply by adding extra Selenium commands. The data clearly show that longer tests are less likely to pass. In this case study, I will show you how to optimize a test and make it 560% faster. We will do this by tackling inefficient use of Selenium commands.

Advanced Analytics Will Need To Look Different

We missed it, again. But, could we have seen it, even with advancements in data analytics? Many people have referred to COVID-19 as an unexpected black swan event, after Nassim Taleb's famous book, which I’m rereadinging as I write this post. A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.

Intro to Xray: Enable agile testing with Xray - Test Management

A quick overview of Xray Test Management - cutting-edge test management app for Jira. More than 4.5 million testers, developers, and QA managers trust Xray to manage 100+ million test cases each month. Xray is a mission-critical tool at over 5,000 companies in 65 countries, including 137 of the Global 500 like BMW, Samsung and Airbus.

The Modern Data Science Stack

Automated data integration can help you jumpstart your machine learning efforts. Learn about the modern data science stack. It’s an oft-cited factoid that data scientists spend only 20% of their time doing actual data science work, while the rest of their time is spent on doing what is often delightfully referred to as “data munging” — that is, obtaining, cleaning, and preparing data for analysis.