Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


5 Ways to Slash your Data Platform Costs

Make your data platform faster, better & cheaper with Unravel by joining Chris Santiago, Director of Solution Engineering to learn how to reduce the time troubleshooting and the costs involved in operating your data platform. Instantly understand why technologies such as Spark applications, Kafka jobs, and Impala underperform or even fail! Define and meet enterprise service levels through proactive reporting and alerting.

Migrating Big Data Workloads to the Cloud with Unravel

The movement to utilize data to drive more effective business outcomes continues to accelerate. But with this acceleration comes an explosion of complex platforms to collect, process, store, and analyze this data. Ensuring these platforms are utilized optimally is a tremendous challenge for businesses. Join Mick Nolen at Senior Solutions Engineer at Unravel Data, as he takes you through Unravel’s approach to migrating big data workloads to the Cloud. Whether you’re migrating from

Functional vs. Data Testing: Don't Own Your Clients' Data

Now that automated testing is common in the development world, there is a misconception that it can be used for brute force approaches to cover all your bases. This leads to business owners wanting to test every scenario with their data. This brute force approach is not only time-consuming, but it is not scalable, and can expose your company to PHI and PII issues.