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Introduction to Open Source, Open Standards and Self Describing Data

Digitalization is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, and understanding the concepts of open source and open standards is crucial. But these aren't just geeky tech concepts, they represent a whole philosophy of collaboration and sharing that's fueling innovation. And open standards? Think of them as the great enablers of interconnectivity. These guidelines ensure different technologies can talk to each other and share data seamlessly across platforms.

Session Level Data Update - App Analyzer - SaaS in 60

The latest update to the App Analyzer brings a new feature: session-level data. Now, the App Analyzer can answer vital questions, such as which users are accessing which applications, how long they stay in each app, what sheets they use, the duration on each sheet, and the frequency of navigation between sheets. It also tracks the number of concurrent users within an app or across all apps in the tenant.

Leverage Trusted Data: Alation Data Intelligence Platform

Nick Jewell, Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager at Alation, demonstrates how to use the Alation Data Intelligence Platform to easily find, understand, and use trusted data.The demo focuses on how data engineers, data governors, and data users can leverage Alation and Snowflake Horizon to more efficiently ingest, monitor, and share governed data.

Demo Of The Snowflake Connector For MySQL And PostgreSQL

The Snowflake Connector for MySQL and PostgreSQL provides instant access to your data within Snowflake, making it easy to correlate your data with data from other sources, ultimately driving new insights into business operations. The Connector also leverages Snowflake’s built-in security and reliability capabilities and provides IT departments with significant cost and speed advantages. During this demo, you will see how you can set-up, configure, and utilize the Connector with a few clicks via Snowflake Marketplace.

Introducing Qlik Talend Cloud - Data products - SaaS in 60

Data products are highly trusted, reusable, and consumable data assets. They’re curated collections of high-quality datasets and business-approved metadata, designed to solve domain-specific business outcomes. They foster effective communication and accountability. Our Quality and Profiling Overview provides detailed quality metrics at both the data product and dataset levels.

How is the Scope of Wellness Industry in Future lookalike?

The most apparent shift that the 21st century has witnessed is the perception of the health and wellness industry. In the not-so-distant past, staying fit and living a wellness-focused lifestyle often meant relying on those old workout tapes or fitness DVDs. Well, been there, done that! However, as we fast forward to today, look at how the wellness industry has changed! We've witnessed a digital transformation in a way that is sure to make an impact on the scope of wellness industry in future and beyond.

Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession (DPoP): Preventing Illegal Access of APIs

In a previous blog post, we discussed the prevalence of bearer tokens (or access tokens) to restrict access to protected resources, the challenges the sheer nature of bearer tokens present, and available mitigations. To recap, presenting a bearer token is proof enough of an authorization grant to avail the service and access resources protected by the token. This poses many security risks such as using stolen or leaked tokens to gain unauthorized access.

6 Practical Examples of APIs in Everyday Life

APIs are bits of software that act as interpreters for two different programs. They’ll connect to each service via endpoints and relay messages back and forth, doing the work of software integration for you. But how does this actually look in the real world? Read on for some examples of APIs. Here's the key things to know about some of the examples of APIs in everyday life.