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The Snowplow Strategy: Improve Automation Test Coverage in Five Steps

In software testing, the term test coverage refers to how much of an application’s functionality is covered by test cases. In practice, the term also often refers to the effectiveness of that testing. QA teams use test coverage as a benchmark because it tends to correlate closely with the quality of the end product. Better test coverage typically means fewer bugs get shipped to production.

How to set up advertising analytics in 8 easy steps

The trouble with marketing initiatives is that it is almost impossible to tell how they impacted the business’s bottom line. As the marketing pioneer John Wanamaker said: A person scrolling through Twitter on their mobile app might have seen your ad, loved your brand, and then logged into their desktop to purchase your product. The gap between needs generated by marketing spans across marketing channels and time.

Benefits of Load Testing Tool Available in the Cloud

One of the core tasks during load testing is setting-up of required Test Agents or Load Generators. Though it is straightforward in most cases, it can be challenging and time-consuming when you do not have enough details required for hardware sizing and memory footprint and also need support for thousands of virtual users.

Why dashboards don't deliver on promised business value

Modern data and analytics leaders know that every business user is different. No two marketers or finance managers will use data in exactly the same way because no two share the same contextual view or understanding of the business. Their challenges are as nuanced as they are complex. And they need insights tailored to their specific needs if they are to be successful at solving business problems with data. Unfortunately, traditional BI tools treat everyone like carbon copies.

Kong-plement Your ServiceHub With a Developer Portal

Two of the best (in my opinion) features in Konnect are the ServiceHub and Developer Portal. However, they’re also two of the most misunderstood. Aren’t they the same thing? Why would you need a ServiceHub vs. Developer Portal? Well, I’m glad you asked! The really quick version is that ServiceHub is like your warehouse, where all your products are stored. It’s a comprehensive collection of everything that you have. Your Developer Portal is more like your storefront.

Minimizing Security Risks in APIs and Microservices

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and microservices are the foundational pillars of digital transformation initiatives. They simplify the development process for our technology teams, enabling them to innovate faster, increase customer engagement and boost business agility. However, while this transformation of business digitally opens doors to limitless opportunities, it also opens doors to many challenges – with one of the most significant challenges being security.

Get fine-grained access control of your server with AblyD

It’s fairly common to want to have a server running a process, be it a website, a calculation, or anything else you can imagine. Often outside of the device’s core functionality though, there are many other things you may be interested in. Information on if the process is still running, what server(s) are running, what errors are occurring in the process, and general information being available externally are common examples of this.