Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


SEMrush - Your End-to-end SEO Solution

In today’s digital age, keeping up with market trends is exactly what a business has to do to stay ahead. Creating a solid online brand image plays a key role in this task, and to do it, dedicated SEO efforts go a long way. Crafting targeted keywords that can direct traffic to your webpages can work wonders in capturing a widespread customer base. Now what if we were to tell you that instead of doing everything manually, you could rely on an automated tool to take care of things?

OctoPerf v12.4 - Integrate with Postman, Microsoft Teams, Grafana and Dynatrace

The focus of OctoPerf 12.4 is on integrations, first in regards to creating test scripts through our new Postman import released a few weeks ago. Through postman we also open OctoPerf to swagger and open API imports. Microsoft Teams is also on the menu in terms of alerting before/after the tests, but the main dish is the backend listeners. Through these you can have our load generators send metrics to your own database in real time during the test.

Best codeless automation testing tools in 2021

With the advent of agile and DevOps culture, we’re already embracing digital transformation. Organizations globally are looking for newer technologies and tools to innovate, enhance productivity and deliver faster. If we talk about testing itself — automation has taken us several leaps ahead; QA teams have solidified test efficiency and coverage even further. Gone are the days when automation testers had to learn coding to write test scripts.

Advantages of using codeless test automation tools - An exhaustive list

MarketQuest (2021) predicts automation testing to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.8% for the next five years. Globally, organizations across banking, retail, automotive, healthcare, etc., amongst others will embark on automation. Picture Credit: That brings us to the crux of our conversation — codeless test automation. What is it, and why do we need it?

Webinar: Getting the most out of Ghost Inspector

Here at Ghost Inspector even some of our power users will ask, "Am I using Ghost Inspector to its full potential?" Maybe Ghost Inspector is so easy to use that sometimes it can feel like it’s too easy? Join us for this webinar on June 24th where our founder Justin Klemm will be covering advanced use cases and best practices when it comes to getting the most out of Ghost Inspector. We’ll cover nooks and crannies of our features that you may have missed and help unlock Ghost Inspector to the max!