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Tested Recipe for Optimizing and Securing Your Hybrid Cloud Environments

Enterprises are quickly evolving from a posture that approached the cloud as a kind of playground to one that goes all in to achieve cloud-first, cloud-native IT. With this transition from free-for-all to mature-business-service architecture, usually involving multiple public cloud providers, comes the need to answer some thorny questions. It’s no longer sufficient to endlessly pile on additional cloud services to a growing hybrid or distributed cloud infrastructure.

Okta and Kong Konnect Part 3: Implementing Introspection Flow

In our third Kong and Okta tutorial, we’ll go through the introspection flow implementation. The introspection flow is part of the token validation process. Kong Gateway evaluates the injected token at the request processing time to see if it's still valid to the upstream services. The evaluation hits a specific Okta endpoint, passing the received token. Based on the response provided by Okta, Kong Gateway accepts or rejects the request.

Display Moesif Reports Within Tableau

As a product leader, there’s no better way to show the value of your API platform then by graphically displaying key metics. If you’re already working with Tableau, it’s easy to extract key charts, or workspaces, from Moesif’s dashboards and insert them into your visualization platform. The information from Moesif will be inserted into Tableau as a web page object.

Performance, Stress, and Load Tests in Rails

Tests are an integral part of most well-working Rails applications where maintenance isn’t a nightmare and new features are consistently added, or existing ones are improved. Unfortunately, for many applications, a production environment is where they are put under heavy workload or significant traffic for the first time. This is understandable as such tests are costly.

A guide to write your tests for your Android apps

Learn how to write your tests for your Android applications! In this series of articles, you will learn how to do testing on your Android app and libraries. We will give you the most valuable and critical knowledge about testing and finding the issues in your app, and showcase how to write your test cases and how to run them in CI.

20 Best Software Development Tools in 2021

With the increase in popularity and adoption of software development across the industry, developers and organizations are constantly looking for tools to make their lives easier. The right set of tools can quickly help you get the maximum output each day, but the road to finding your arsenal of the best software development tools is not easy. That’s why we researched for you!