ETL Platform Alternatives: Fivetran vs. Informatica and More
Some popular data integration tools compared.
Some popular data integration tools compared.
Allow me to set a scene - You’re a speaker at a conference in a large venue. During your talk you’d like to poll your audience to find out whether they use a Mac, Windows or Linux. You’ve got an interactive chart in your slides which will update as the audience votes on your web app. But there’s a hitch, you — as the speaker, have access to a private WiFi, but your attendees don’t have that.
Software Deployment Tools (SDTs) help make software systems available to the target endpoints in a network from a central location. They include installation, distribution, configuration, upgrade, and management tools. All software applications need to be upgraded regularly, require new features from time to time, need security reinforcements against new and coming threats, require updates to remove bugs, and so on.
If you have read our previous post focusing on the challenges of planning, launching and scaling IIOT use cases, you’ve narrowed down the business problems you’re trying to solve, and you have a plan that is both created by the implementation team and supported by executive management. Here’s a plan to make sure you’ve got it all down. Think of these success factors like the legs of a kitchen table and the results that you desire, a bowl of homemade chicken soup.
At this year’s Snowflake Data Cloud Summit: Data Together Now, customers and partners from around the world came together to explore the transformational power of data and Snowflake’s vision for bringing the world’s data together in the Data Cloud. Over the course of two days and 70 sessions, attendees were inspired by keynotes, learned from their peers in customer and partner sessions, and participated in hand-on labs and technical deep-dives.