Network Performance and Data Integration
Data integration can easily become non-performant. Learn about some common bottlenecks.
Data integration can easily become non-performant. Learn about some common bottlenecks.
Today, May 21st marks ThoughtSpot’s nine year anniversary as a company. We’ve come a long way from exchanging ideas at Starbucks and working from an office set-up inside LightSpeed Ventures for the initial few weeks. Today, we offer customers the most innovative cloud analytics platform in the world and help thousands of users ask and answer questions with data.
Mobile app development is unique, but when you are working alone, certain challenges are amplified as well.
If this past year has shown us anything, it’s the importance of resilience. Businesses of all sorts have had to find creative ways to get through a very tough time. And one of those ways is through technology. Companies that never planned to be technology-driven are now having meetings on Zoom, managing a remote workforce, and adopting new software.
Automation will fail to achieve most of its potential if treated as a specialty, single-function tool applied only to accelerate narrow parts of business processes. In most industries, financial services included, automation done properly is a journey that delivers a steady stream of benefits resulting from building a broader and increasingly powerful multilayered stack of automated processes and analytics.
Many people may know me as someone who aims to find a mathematical angle in almost everything. And they wouldn’t be wrong – on my journey to bring my passion for math to the masses, I’ve even shown the mathematical angle for finding love! Yes, really – feel free to read my book on it. So, if there’s just one thing that I want people to take away from my chat with Joe DosSantos on Data Brilliant, it’s that math and data really do touch every part of our lives.