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The 4 Biggest Challenges of Scaling Cloud-Native AI Workloads

When working with #AI in cloud environments, traditional data provisioning and software testing methods don't work because of the behavior of AI and LLM APIs. In this Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) webinar recording, we discuss the top 4 challenges of scaling cloud-native AI workloads, and the solutions developers are turning to instead.

Ensuring Trust in Augmented Reality: Addressing the Cybersecurity Conundrum

As Augmented Reality (AR) becomes more prevalent, imagine entering a world where digital overlays seamlessly blend with your physical surroundings, enriching your reality with interactive information and immersive experiences. This is the promise of AR, a groundbreaking technology reshaping how we interact with the digital world.

Evolution of Testing Function & Industry Trends | Naman Kapoor | #QonfX 2024 #softwaretesting

In this session, Naman Kapoor talks about the evolving landscape of testing functions, including manual testing, automation, and roles like SDET. Gain a front-row view of industry trends, top countries, and leading companies shaping the future of testing. Naman explores the current perception of testing roles and delves into what tasks can be automated by AI and the unique strengths of human testers.

Overcoming scale challenges with AWS & CloudFront - 5 key takeaways

The Ably service handles massive amounts of data throughput and concurrent connections for many customers while maintaining a highly reliable and available service, with a 5x9s uptime guarantee. Ably has no scale ceiling, and that’s challenging work (it’s one of the reasons I joined Ably). While the challenges we face in delivering our service are compelling, we sometimes face novel internet scale problems, such as breaching the limits of AWS services!

Using Python for GET API Calls: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

Understanding how to make a GET request to an API using Python is an essential skill for developers. This article will guide you through the process, demonstrating how to use Python’s ‘requests’ library to fetch data, handle the full JSON object in response, and manage API errors efficiently. Step into the practical world of Python GET API calls without any detours.

Exposed: How Secure Are Your Embedded Analytics Really?

The ever-growing threat landscape of hackers, cyberattacks, and data breaches makes data security a top priority, especially when integrating analytics capabilities directly into customer-facing applications. To make informed decisions, it’s crucial to understand how embedded analytics platforms function from a security standpoint.

Managing Application Auth for Different Audiences

Let’s pose a hypothetical scenario. You're the API product owner at the Paris, Texas Regional Airport. You're in charge of two main APIs: Flights API and Scheduling API. Flights API is primarily used by local research institutions that are interested in read-only access to information about departures and arrivals. Scheduling API is primarily used by airline partners who are interested in updating information about their flights and gates.

How to Handle java.lang.IndexOutOf BoundsException

The java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException in Java is thrown when an index used in arrays, lists, or strings is not valid. A valid index must be a number from 0 up to one less than the total number of items. For example, in a list of 3 items, the valid indices are 0, 1, and 2. Here’s a quick example: The error message you’d get would look something like this: Here are some other common ways the IndexOutOfBoundsException might be thrown.

Sauce Visual Demo

Front-end software developers often own small pieces of the User Interface, and are frequently challenged by changes introduced elsewhere in the project. A slight change somewhere on one web page can cause a shift or misalignment elsewhere. With so many teams working together, it’s important to get fast feedback about changes to the layout or appearance of an app. Here's how Sauce Labs can do just that.