
Bonn, Germany
  |  By Benjamin
Tideways is joining the Open Source Pledge because we want to make a public commitment on our various open source contributions. Not only do we rely on open source software in our product Tideways, we are also building our business on top of the open source language PHP and its continued success. The mission of the recently started Open Source Pledge initiative is to establish a new social norm in the tech industry of companies paying Open Source maintainers.
  |  By Volker
One of our recurring jobs at Tideways is to ensure that all of our instrumentation works with the new and upcoming PHP versions. For us, “working” doesn’t just mean that the results are correct, but that your PHP extension is fast, gathering insights for our customers with a minimal performance overhead.
  |  By Benjamin
The upcoming PHP 8.4 release will include the brand-new feature “property hooks”, a mechanism to add logic to a class property when read from or written to. One benefit of this feature is that you do not need to protect property access with a private property and public getter/setter methods anymore. You can find out how this feature works in the RFC and other places, but in the spirit of this blog we want to focus solely on the performance implications.
  |  By Benjamin
Sometimes, performance is the primary requirement when you are picking a third-party library to solve a task in your application. For CPU intensive work, there are often similar alternatives that you can choose from: To find out which one of them is more performant for your use-case, you can set up an experiment with microtime/hr_time calls and run them against each other. But: this provides fewer insights than running your tests directly with a Profiler such as XHProf or Tideways!
  |  By Benjamin
When using MySQL and InnoDB you will inevitably run into lock timeouts sometime, somewhere. We have recently started seeing this with some of our Shopware 6 customers in their storefronts or worker queues, so I was reminded to go back to 2017 in our codebase when we put a fix in place. In our case, this happened on tables that were constantly written to from many different sources in the code base.
  |  By Diana
Get the cake, Tideways is turning ten! Exactly on this day ten years ago, we lifted the veil on Tideways’ predecessor and thus began our exciting journey that continues to this day. We would like to celebrate by presenting interesting new features to you. Summary: Don’t miss out on our webinar that will guide you through these new features, taking place July 3rd starting at 3 pm.
  |  By Benjamin
PHPs compiler and bytecode cache OPcache not only cache the compile step from PHP source code to virtual machine bytecode, they also include optimizations that can produce faster bytecode: For example PHP can: For PHP 8.4 Tideways sponsored the work of our colleague Tim to add another compiler optimization for the function sprintf().
  |  By Benjamin
A few weeks ago, Andrey from Ecommlab contacted me to ask me about a strategy to get performance insights from Tideways into Shopware 6 checkout. The store of our joint customer “Bär Schuhe” was slow for customers during the order confirmation process.
  |  By Benjamin
This is the story of the manufacturing of seven-league boots for a function that is responsible for processing XML/HTML data in the PHP library. Optimizations in the PHP standard library, like here in ext/dom, have the potential to speed up the performance of applications significantly by an upgrade to the current PHP version.
  |  By Diana
You can now unpack the Christmas present that was promised to you at the end of 2023! As you may have already read in the Flamegraph Feature Preview, this exciting new feature of the Profiler is now the focus of our first release in 2024. The Flamegraph complements the Timeline and Callgraph features and visualizes Aggregated Traces. The goal was to provide profiling information across many traces and thereby gaining new and deeper insights into performance.
  |  By Tideways
Making an application scale is generally seen as something that only the most magical of developers can do, but it is easy once you have the correct tools. Fortunately for us, these tools are freely available online! In this talk, we will look at a few available options to learn what our applications are actually doing, help identify bottlenecks, and fix them so we can move on to the most important part of any project: delivering features.
  |  By Tideways
How to use Tideways with XHProf UI to profile PHP code in Drupal VM.

Tideways saves you time by taking the guesswork out of your app's backend performance. Gain detailed insights, spot performance bottlenecks, and get real-time error detection alerts.

Experience your application from the customer’s point of view. Your team can find broken code, see where slow load times occur, and get notified when an error is detected or a page crashes - all from within one tool.

Spend more time shipping and less time stuck on bottlenecks:

  • Monitoring + Alerting: See where there’s room to improve your app’s user experience through detailed performance insights. Spot changes in trends over time and get alerted whenever something’s not right.
  • Profiling: Gain full visibility into your code to uncover any slowdowns via traces - collected every minute - or trigger traces yourself for any request that you need more information on.
  • Error + Exception Tracking: Identify and create fixes for issues caused by new or previously unseen fatal errors and uncaught exceptions.

Your mission control center for PHP application performance.