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Open Source

OSPOs: The Secret Sauce to Better Software

Open source program offices play a huge role in bridging the gap between the rapid pace of technological advancements and growing disparity between growth and quality. Sauce Labs' very own Paloma Oliveira was invited to the UN's OSPOs for Good. Here's a recap of why the free software movement has never been more important.

Introduction to Open Source, Open Standards and Self Describing Data

Digitalization is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, and understanding the concepts of open source and open standards is crucial. But these aren't just geeky tech concepts, they represent a whole philosophy of collaboration and sharing that's fueling innovation. And open standards? Think of them as the great enablers of interconnectivity. These guidelines ensure different technologies can talk to each other and share data seamlessly across platforms.

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink | Interactive Tables for Flink SQL Workspaces

When developing or debugging a stream processing pipeline with Flink SQL, it’s common to inspect each processing step's output to ensure data is being transformed properly. However, comprehending the resulting data stream's structure, distribution, and characteristics entails executing multiple ad-hoc SQL queries, which can be time-consuming and tedious. Additionally, isolating specific subsets of the stream for analysis or debugging often involves even more queries, adding to the complexity and time required.

It Not Just About Code

It was never just about code. Pamela Oliveira is a firm believer that societal norms can be transformed by the power of open source technology. Experts need to see this and take ownership despite a rapidly changing industry. In this episode of Test Case Scenario, Jason and Pamela dissect the opportunities and difficulties that technical minds have in attempting to solve social issues with open source.

TruLens Snowflake OSS

When Snowflake acquired the TruEra AI Observability platform, we committed to keeping TruLens open source. We’re not only keeping that promise; we’re emphasizing it. Our goal remains to support LLM app developers in creating trustworthy generative AI applications. In the weeks since the acquisition, we have already added ecosystem-friendly enhancements including: We plan to continue making enhancements and improvements that benefit the community at large, whether on Snowflake or not.

Streamlit in Snowflake: Improved Customization, Performance and AI Capabilities

Snowflake’s mission is to mobilize the entire world’s data, and there are millions of data scientists and developers who don’t have access to full-stack engineering teams. It’s been our endeavor to bring the power of the AI Data Cloud to every individual developer, data scientist and machine learning engineer, so that they can build and share world-class data apps — all by themselves. Streamlit is an open source library that turns Python scripts into shareable web apps.

Introducing Polaris Catalog: An Open Source Catalog for Apache Iceberg

Open source file and table formats have garnered much interest in the data industry because of their potential for interoperability — unlocking the ability for many technologies to safely operate over a single copy of data. Greater interoperability not only reduces the complexity and costs associated with using many tools and processing engines in parallel, but it would also reduce potential risks associated with vendor lock-in.

What's New in Kong Gateway 3.7?

We're thrilled to announce the general availability of Kong Gateway Open Source (OSS) 3.7. This latest version features cutting-edge AI Gateway updates with new streaming plugins, as well as performance and security improvements. Let’s dive into the enhancements and explore the tangible benefits that these features bring to your organization.