Essential .NET Core

Essential .NET Core

Oct 1, 2018

Methods for optimizing web apps in Azure, logging, deploying to IIS, and more. Download our free guide and get all the answers around .NET Core.

At Stackify, we experience the same frustrations, hurdles and successes as our customers because we live and breathe code. In our Retrospective series, we pool together all our knowledge and experience on the most relevant and integral topics in the community and deliver them to developers—free!

In our Essential .NET Core Methods guide, we share the lessons that we’ve learned, from converting to .NET Core to deploying and optimizing our apps. Stackify has been working with .NET Core for over a year now, and we have been very impressed with it. It is amazing to see what Microsoft and the community have done with it. We hope this guide will further emphasize the versatility and efficiency of .NET Core, while helping developers in their day-to-day work.

This guide includes:

  • Use Cake to Build .NET Core Apps & Version Assemblies
  • Create .NET Core Windows Services With Visual Studio ‘17
  • Master Logging for .NET Core
  • Deploy to and Optimize .NET Core Web Apps in Azure
  • Deploy ASP.NET Core to IIS with .NET Core Hosting
  • A Retrospective on Converting to .NET Core