Kong Builders - December 1 - Exploring Istio Gateway
Viktor Gamov takes a closer look at traffic #ingress in #Istio and explores the native Istio Gateway feature.
#KongBuilders is a bi-weekly livestream series that takes our #developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads.
See more at https://konghq.com/kong-builders/
- [https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/networking/gateway/]
- [https://github.com/Kong/demo-scene/tree/main/kong-builders/11-10-2021]
- [https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/]
0:00 - stream starts
1:30 - intro
1:46 - we're live!
7:52 - a quick recap of previous episode: Kubernetes and Knative
11:15 - deploying native image app
19:29 - commercial break: kongcast
27:22 - Switching gears: Istio Gateway
34:16 - Installing Istio
37:15 - enabling Istio sidecar injection
38:18 - deploying quote-service to Istio-enabled namespace
40:44 - Quick Tip: testing service connectivity inside the cluster using httpie
43:01 - Installing Gateway object and VirtualService
51:08 - Testing service connectivity using Insomnia
52:23 - It's a wrap!