[TUTORIAL] How To Create and Execute Test Suites In Katalon Studio

[TUTORIAL] How To Create and Execute Test Suites In Katalon Studio

Oct 14, 2020

Welcome to our Katalon Studio Tutorial series! The series is designed to get you started using Katalon Studio (https://www.katalon.com)

In this video, we'll cover how to create and execute 3 types of test suites in Katalon Studio: Basic Test Suite, Test Suite Collection, and Dynamic Test Suite. We'll also give you an introduction to the Script mode integration in testing test suites and our WebUI keywords in action.

Codeless testing tool is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation. Learn more below:

How to Create and Execute Test Case Using Manual Mode: https://youtu.be/MFelIOMzahk

How to Create and Execute Test Case Using Script Mode: https://youtu.be/dAdqS_e5cZM

#katalontutorial #automationtesting #katalonstudio #codelesstesting