WWDC 2021: Expectations vs. Reality - Recap discussion with iOS experts

WWDC 2021: Expectations vs. Reality - Recap discussion with iOS experts

Jun 28, 2021

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference happened between June 7- 11, and it kept the entire iOS developer community in constant buzz for weeks. On WWDC 2021, we got a first look at the latest Apple platforms, tools, and technologies, and we were thrilled to discuss all that happened with the iOS dev community!

✨ Host: Vincent Pradeilles | https://twitter.com/v_pradeilles
iOS Engineer at Worldline Global, Creator of @ios_memes, Youtuber , Teacher at TrySwift World

✨ Panelists:

Anastasiia Voitova | https://twitter.com/vixentael
Head of Customer Solutions, Security Software engineer at Cossack Labs

Ellen Shapiro | https://twitter.com/designatednerd
Apollo's GraphQL SDK developer for iOS

Donny Wals | https://twitter.com/donnywals
iOS Developer at Disney Streaming Services

Paul Hudson | https://twitter.com/twostraws
Learning and sharing at Hacking with Swift, author of Swift, SwiftUI, and iOS books, public speaker.

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