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Serverless vs. Containers: Key Differences Explained

The “as a service” business model continues to grow rapidly, largely thanks to the rise of cloud computing. “As a service” offerings deliver IT products and technologies such as software, hardware, and data storage to consumers via the Internet, rather than having to install or manage them themselves. Serverless and containers are two such “as a service” technologies that have seen increasing adoption in recent years.

Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Keep an Eye On

NodeJS is a server-side platform that’s built on the JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) of Google Chrome. It’s an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for JavaScript code execution outside the browser. The platform, being event-driven, works on a non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and effective in building web applications. With the platform, you could simultaneously run code on the client and server side, hastening the development process.

Navigating Technology Adoption in the Enterprise

While startups rarely enjoy the resources of a large organization, they usually enjoy a comparative "easy-mode" when it comes to technology adoption. Once a company has reached a certain size, or has existed for long enough, technical debt builds up, organizational ossification sets in, and bureaucratic creep becomes pervasive. This white paper covers our findings from over the last four years of engaging deeply with our enterprise customers: advising, training, and supporting them with our products and expertise through their Node.js adoption journeys.

Bitrise AMA #1 featuring Damien Murphy & Tamas Bazsonyi | WEBINAR

Our very first live AMA webinar featuring our Sales Engineers, Damien Murphy and Tamas Bazsonyi. ___________ Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth. Free for Open Source and small teams. Bitrise is a Continous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with the main focus on mobile app development (iOS, Android). You can automate the testing and deployment of your apps with just a few clicks.

Kubernetes in Production: 6 Key Considerations

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for container orchestration. You can use it to deploy a highly resilient, self-healing infrastructure using automation and infrastructure as code (IaC). Kubernetes includes features for zero downtime deployments, scaling, automatic rollout and rollback of updates, and service discovery. Kubernetes is designed to help you manage container deployments at scale via REST API.

Node.js Architecture and 12 Best Practices for Node.js Development

Even though only 11 years old, Node.js has emerged to be one of the most popular web development frameworks in the last decade. I’m a big Javascript fanboy, and thanks to Node.js, I can write Javascript code outside the browser to create server-side web applications that are non-blocking, lightweight, fast, robust and scalable.