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Introducing our new Java Spring Error Monitoring SDK

We’re excited to announce that we’ve strengthened our solution for Java Spring. Spring developers can now integrate Rollbar into their Java Spring Boot and Spring Web MVC applications even more quickly and easily. With our new SDK, instrumentation and getting real-time actionable error alerts takes just a few minutes. Spring has consistently been one of the most popular Java frameworks and we want to make sure we’re consistently offering the best possible solution for it.

A Window of Opportunity: How windowing saved our data table

The modern age of web development that includes modularized, encapsulated web components, has brought us a plethora of tools, technologies, frameworks, and libraries of all varieties. With every such tool that is created to simplify our lives as developers in the long run, there's also a catch we sometimes neglect to consider: the cost of maintenance and performance.

Mobile App Distribution Made Easy - Introducing Applivery Integrations

Cheers to the newest addition to the Bitrise Step Library — meet Applivery , a powerful enterprise mobile device management system that enables full control over your Mobile Apps. Combined with Bitrise, you can cover the entire development life cycle, from testing and building to delivery and feedback.

Top Seven E-commerce Platforms in 2020

The introduction of e-commerce stores has made life so easy for the people. It does not make a difference if you are the consumer or a seller. For a seller, it provides the opportunity to express the worth of their brand and product(s). For a consumer, it gives them an all in one platform, where they can shop for multiple categories. With this, the most significant ease for both parties is to opt for e-commerce business is that you can do all this without taking a step out of their house.

How to Create a Python Stack

All programming languages provide efficient data structures that allow you to logically or mathematically organize and model your data. Most of us are familiar with simpler data structures like lists (or arrays) and dictionaries (or associative arrays), but these basic array-based data structures act more as generic solutions to your programming needs and aren’t really optimized for performance on custom implementations. There’s much more than programming languages bring to the table.

A pivotal paradox: 6 lessons learned managing a fully remote team

A mere few months ago the majority of the world was forced to change drastically, including the move into a ‘fully remote’ mode of office work. As reality was bearing down upon us, tech managers and CEOs everywhere were huddled together trying to figure out how to not only make it work, but work well.