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The Most Popular Python Web Frameworks in 2020

Web frameworks are powerful tools. They abstract the common aspects of building web sites and APIs and allow us to build richer, more stable applications with less effort. A broad range of web frameworks is available to us in Python. Some are proven favorites with large ecosystems and communities. Others excel in niche use cases or for specific kinds of development. Still, others are up-and-comers with compelling new reasons to be considered.

Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2020

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter! As we already announced, we achieved a major milestone recently by releasing the Web SDK, bringing the features you love using to a whole new platform. But as always we want to keep pushing to give you a better product, and we’ve introduced recently some more updates we want to share with you: We hope you find all these updates useful!

Video: Database Optimization

Most modern web applications are heavily reliant on persisting data with relational databases, and so it’s no surprise that a large part of application performance monitoring relates to keeping an eye on database performance to ensure that our SQL queries are as efficient as possible. With this in mind, Scout features a Database Addon module, and in this video we are going to take a closer look at what it has to offer.

A Deep Dive Into V8

A majority of front-end developers deal with this buzzword all the time: V8. A big part of its popularity is due to the fact that it led JavaScript to a new level of performance. Yes, V8 is very fast. But, how does it perform its magic and why is it so responsive? The official docs state that “V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and Node.js, among others”.

5 Ways to Improve Your Dev Team Velocity

Velocity, much like the pulse rate or oxygen level of an individual, is an important measure of health for your development team. A low velocity score for recent sprints limits your team's options for delivering value. Sustained failure to deliver to stakeholders can erode trust with those stakeholders quickly. But how do you know exactly what your velocity is and how you can improve it?