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How to Test Ruby Code That Depends on External APIs

Few things are more frustrating than slow, flaky test suites. You're ready to deploy, wait 20 minutes for CI to run, only to find that a test failure in code you've never touched is blocking you. You dig into the source and find the problem: an external API call. It works (slowly) most of the time. But sometimes the network glitches and it fails. What do you do? In this article, José Manuel shows us several techniques for removing external API dependencies from our tests.

Running Your Node.js Application with systemd

You've written the next great application, in Node-and you're ready to unleash it upon the world! Which means you can no longer run it on your laptop, you're going to actually have to put it up on some server somewhere and connect it to the real Internet. There has probably never been a better or easier time to learn basic Linux system administration. This tutorial will take you through the steps to deploy and run your application on a Linux server using systemd, which is the replacement to init and upstart in older Linux systems.

Digital Transformation with the Node.js DevOps Stack

PayPal, Netflix, and Walmart show the way to achieve rapid digital transformation of legacy systems. Modernizing systems and processes has become a top priority for businesses across all verticals. Organizations are looking for the fastest and most effective route to modernization; Node.js is emerging as the de facto choice for companies looking to build the apps and other infrastructure needed to make such a move.

BitSteps: Speed up tests for your Android apps by integrating Genymotion and Bitrise

Featured Partner Edition: Speed up tests for your Android apps by integrating Genymotion and Bitrise How Bitrise and Genymotion Work Together With Genymotion providing the Android virtual devices cloud and Bitrise executing CI, teams are able to run their Android automated tests using any testing framework (Espresso, Appium, Detox, and so on) on Genymotion Cloud devices. This helps developers and QA engineers achieve immediate feedback and test at scale, as test results provide insights into the health of their applications.

Five Ways to Improve Developer Velocity

Hans Ulrich Obrist once said that “everything I do is somehow connected to velocity”. We couldn’t agree more. As is in most companies, there’s always something affecting your team’s velocity, whether that’s a new work from home routine, a change in budget, or a variety of other reasons. So many influences are out of your control- how do you make sure that your devs are working at optimal velocity?

The State of Elixir HTTP Clients

In today’s post, we’ll look at two Elixir HTTP client libraries: Mint and Finch. Finch is built on top of Mint. We’ll see the benefits offered by this abstraction layer. We’ll also talk about some of the existing HTTP client libraries in the ecosystem and discuss some of the things that make Mint and Finch different. Finally, we’ll put together a quick project that makes use of Finch to put all of our learning into action. Let’s jump right in!

How Do I View My Elasticsearch Mappings?

There are two ways you can view the current mappings on your Logit ELK Stacks. One way is to use dev tools in Kibana. You can access Kibana from any of your dashboards by choosing from your dashboard Stack settings > Access Kibana. You can also search for a specific mapping of an Index name. For example if we wanted to see the mappings for the a Filebeat index name we can run the following to return only the desired mappings.

Building a multiplayer Flappy bird game over scalable WebSockets using Ably

Hi there! In this video Ably's Dev Advocate, Srushtika Neelakantam, shows you how to build a multiplayer game of Flappy bird that you can play online with anyone. Along the way, you'll learn about the various networking strategies and realtime messaging concepts to build scalable multiplayer games over WebSockets using Ably.