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'Data On-Prem' Means SaaS Agility And On-Premise Control

Today, we’re excited to announce Data On-Prem for development teams that operate in data-sensitive environments. This new feature truly lets you have the best of both worlds, by enabling large enterprises to leverage Rookout as a SaaS offering, while also meeting the rigorous governance and control requirements that these companies often face.

Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems

When you're evaluating a language for your next project, few things are more important than available third-party libraries and the package manager that ties them together. While early versions of Go lacked a package manager, they've made up for lost time. In this article, Ayooluwa Isaiah introduces us to go's module ecosystem to help us decide if go is "a go" for our next project.

Top 10 Web Development Frameworks in 2020

In this era, where there is a big competition in the digital world; web designing and web development plays a major role in the success of the web applications. Everyday advancements in the technologies pushes the developers to stay updated in the latest web development frameworks by learning various frameworks. In order to build a rich and interactive web applications thousands of developers are endorse in the use of frameworks.

Hyper Growth At a Time of Uncertainty: Part 1

Most companies strive to achieve periods of hypergrowth and when they’re in it, their goal is to remain there, riding those waves up as far as they possibly can. ‘Hyper growth’ is a term first coined by Alexander V. Izosimov. The World Economic Forum, taking it a step further, explained it as a company’s “need to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of greater than 40%.”.