Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


New and Exciting Features to Land In Node.js v14

Node.js v14 has just been released. It comes with exciting features and enhancements. More importantly, it will be promoted to Long-Term Support (LTS) in October. The time to start trying said features and start testing your applications and secure a smooth transition is now. In this talk we will be showing the most relevant of these new features implementation examples and more.

Using Mnesia in an Elixir Application

In today’s post, we’ll learn about Mnesia, see when you would use such a tool, and take a look at some of the pros and cons of using it. After covering the fundamentals of Mnesia, we’ll dive right into a sample application where we’ll build an Elixir application that uses Mnesia as its database. Let’s jump right in!

5 Tips to Take Your Development Pipeline to the Next Level

Development can successfully remove the bottlenecks created by waterfall methodology by improving development productivity through encouraging collaboration,continuous feedback loops, and automating processes. Collaboration. Feedback. Automation. These are the main building blocks of Development operations. However, not all Development implementations are successful. Why? Building blocks are not enough. You need to take these building blocks and design a Development pipeline that suits your needs.

Android device testing on Bitrise

Automate the device testing of your mobile apps with Bitrise: use our dedicated Steps to run device tests on iOS and Android devices in Firebase Test Lab. Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth. Free for Open Source and small teams. Plans for teams of all sizes.

JavaScript Growing Pains: From 0 to 13,000 Dependencies

In today’s post, we’re going to demystify how the number of JavaScript dependencies grows while we’re working on a relatively simple project. Should you be worried about the number of dependencies? Keep in mind that this blog post is related to the Ride Down The JavaScript Dependency Hell blog post that was released a while back. We’ll show a “real-world” example of how a project’s dependencies can grow from zero to 13K.

5 Ways to Empower Your Developers

You know the saying, “by developers, for developers”? Well, at Rookout, we take that quite literally. Developers are the heart and soul of Rookout. As developers ourselves, especially as ones who have had our heads stuck in code for many years, we look to make fellow developers’ lives easier. There are countless tools that are available to developers. Whether they enable easier workflows, improve quality, aid in collaboration, and so on and so forth - the sky's the limit.