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Streaming Market Data with Flink SQL Part II: Intraday Value-at-Risk

This article is the second in a multipart series to showcase the power and expressibility of FlinkSQL applied to market data. In case you missed it, part I starts with a simple case of calculating streaming VWAP. Code and data for this series are available on github. Speed matters in financial markets. Whether the goal is to maximize alpha or minimize exposure, financial technologists invest heavily in having the most up-to-date insights on the state of the market and where it is going.

The value of CDP Public Cloud over legacy Hadoop-on-IaaS implementations

Prior the introduction of CDP Public Cloud, many organizations that wanted to leverage CDH, HDP or any other on-prem Hadoop runtime in the public cloud had to deploy the platform in a lift-and-shift fashion, commonly known as “Hadoop-on-IaaS” or simply the IaaS model.

Key considerations when making a decision on a Cloud Data Warehouse

Making a decision on a cloud data warehouse is a big deal. Beyond there being a number of choices each with very different strengths, the parameters for your decision have also changed. Modernizing your data warehousing experience with the cloud means moving from dedicated, on-premises hardware focused on traditional relational analytics on structured data to a modern platform.

The search for actionable insights: 4 must-have analytics features

Today, data is constantly growing in complexity and quantity. Ensuring your users consistently find reliable answers from their dashboards and reports for informed decision-making can be difficult if you don't actively guide them on on how to optimally use the analytics tools you provide. However, the challenge is exacerbated by the fact most BI solutions on the market today still tailor their tools to experienced analysts first.

How to use ThoughtSpot and Databricks SQL

Today, the rate of innovation around data processing has accelerated beyond what any of us previously thought possible. Databricks recently announced their Databricks SQL offering, which is the next step in this evolution and builds on the foundation of Delta Lake to deliver interactive analytics at scale. This offering pairs with ThoughtSpot’s Modern Analytics Cloud to empower everyone in an organization to find answers to their questions with simple access to the data lake.

Why Business Intelligence is a Security Risk

Business intelligence (BI) software, such as Microsoft Power Bi, allows organizations to leverage big data and make better business decisions. Select Hub reports that 48 percent of companies place high or critical importance on these solutions. However, BI tools introduce a level of security risk that businesses must address.

Accelerate Moving to CDP with Workload Manager

Since my last blog, What you need to know to begin your journey to CDP, we received many requests for a tool from Cloudera to analyze the workloads and help upgrade or migrate to Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). The good news is Cloudera has a tried and tested tool, Workload Manager (WM) that meets your needs. WM saves time and reduces risks during upgrades or migrations.

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Stream Processing Engine

Are you using the right stream processing engine for the job at hand? You might think you are—and you very well might be!—but have you really examined the stream processing engines out there in a side-by-side comparison to make sure? Our Choose the Right Stream Processing Engine for Your Data Needs whitepaper makes those comparisons for you, so you can quickly and confidently determine which engine best meets your key business requirements.